Contract end date

Who do I need to contact about the end date of my contract.
The current issues have just pushed me over the edge and cannot say that the service I pay for is fit for purpose.
Please reply asap

Email [email protected] please.

Will you stop closing the damn tickets before the issue is resolved Liam….

No the issue is not resolved, your saying I have 8 months left in my contract, how long should I leave it until I can claim your in breach of said contract??
I’m not receiving the service I pay for, issues such as low speeds, so called “planned upgrades” that fail quite spectacularly as proven on here, IP geo location issues… should I go on.
Don’t say these things are out of your hands and your “doing your best” and “after the migration” scripts because this has being going on now for far too long, I just do not have faith in the company any more and honestly just want to leave.

Hi Steve - the issues you’ve described have been resolved as of this morning. We sent clear communications, with a clear timeline of works to be started, and finished.

I can’t discuss cancellations publicly - so I will close this thread and reply to your email.