So Yayzi team, must and met I do not understand the requirements that lead to the network upgrade as they have not been clearly communicated in an official form, But i trust they are/where necessary.
However my biggest problems have come about the implementation of work. and the issues that have arisen that have affected me financially and caused delays problems for my clients.
The communications i have received are varied and slightly vague.
Mon, Nov 18, 7:45 PM “Yayzi Broadband - Network Upgrades”
Explaining that traffic shaping was in place between 5pm and 10pm. (peak hours)
With the promise of… quote: “an incredible network upgrade that will bring huge benefits for you!” described as " this upgrade will deliver lower latency, improved peering, and a smoother overall experience". My question here is what is the huge and exciting benefit to me? i don’t care about Yaytzi’s rapid growth, as a customer i care about my individual service (sorry).
Wed, Dec 4, 9:55 PM “Exciting News: Major Network Upgrade and Migration!”
Yes… really exciting. just provide me internet that i pay for please…
This email explained timeline, static IP changes and others.
Fri, Dec 6, 5:39 PM “Yayzi Broadband - Network Upgrades”
Yey…ziii… Told that my speed would be reduced to 250mb. Fine, i can work with that. no worries, i wont have to reboot my router, wont have any downtime longer than a few minuets as previously told.
Okai, So what are the tangible benefits i will receive from this network upgrade that has been worth 5 days of severe degradation of service and false promises that i wouldn’t have to do anything. I have had to reboot my router 6 times.
MY speeds have never been close to 250mb, yesterday they where 40mb. today less than 1mb and i cannot work.
When emailing support i get this response:
“As we have communicated over several emails the speed management has been put in place to stabilise the connections of all customers whilst we enter the final stage of the network migration, this is going to continue for a few days whilst we allocate the old network resources into the new network.”
When i remind them they communicated 250mb. I get this non answer:
“We are expecting the speeds to be back to normal by the weekend as we can allocate the previous network bandwidth to the new network as migrating are coming to an end.”
Anyway, since Yayzi has no complaints process published online, and no contact for complaints. I’m left to post this here and be smelled by those defending Yayzi or whatever. But i believe the level of communication has been great up until the shit hit the fan, and the promises of service where not delivered, instead of admitting this and communicating out about the issues and giving real expectations of services, what we got was Yayzi making its customers angry by not being seen as transparent.
The email on Mon, Dec 9, 11:16 PM titled " Good News: Slightly Ahead of Schedule (Yes, Another Email… Sorry!)"
This was misleading and not genuine as small hickups was not what i experienced.
Please can someone from the Yayzi team provide complaints process or contacts as i have searched and cannot find it.