Abysmal connection

Hi, slight improvement but still short or the guaranteed 1.8Mbps.

Could you try download the Speedtest desktop app as the website is bottlenecked by your browser. :slight_smile:

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Try the Yayzi server

As Aydan says - please use the Speedtest Desktop app as the Browser is limited

Also, I recommend an adblocker

The desktop app doesn’t show latency though. Maybe when they finally give me a static ip. things will improve.

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It should do?

Did you email [email protected] with your WAN MAC address? Apologies if we missed it.

Yes, i have just resent it.

Ditto… Why are my speeds so poor?

only slightly better on the app

Have you tested other servers? If you have, I would email [email protected] to run a line check…

Seem fine here, on my end at least