Found a website Quirk

on the website, you have some conflicting info.

  • Lists that you get a static IP Inlcuded with the plan.

The home page contradicts this and says its £2 a month extra.

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Updated, thanks for that!

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I like the new website :slight_smile:

just to add to this:

if your on page “Sign Up – Yayzi Broadband

the forum link takes you to ( Error 1000 DNS points to prohibited IP)

Clicking help and support takes you to a 404 page (


Yep, that’s been a bug since Apr 8th

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We’re on this now :slight_smile:

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Honestly, i do like it, but its too… “bright”

Maybe its just me that likes a darker website .

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Ive mentioned a few issues on


I saw this post, you can see the template that they have based it off, as there is a number of pages still, also a little bit supprised they use wordpress, not sure why im supprised but hey.


When switching between the “18 month” and “monthly” options on the front page, the “18 month contract” text at the bottom doesn’t dissapear accordingly.

Oh yeah, I see what you mean


18 months

Same with MultiGig plans

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Also the hamburger menu on mobile is missing the icons

Also (don’t know if it’s me) but I can’t click broadband I have to click the little icon thing and then it looks so bad

And the website feels a bit slow on mobile both 5G and WiFi

We’re doing some more tweaks to the site, so I’ll make sure that’s added as a bug too and we’ll do some optimisations to speed loading