Getting half the actual speed

I can vouch for this. The Pro Max is pointless over the pro, it’s simply made for more clients, that’s it. The Pro is exactly what i run and it’s amazing.

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Probably best going here: IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read) - #60 by T9537

Thanks it’s in progress but I appreciate the redirect :+1:

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I have absolutely the same problem. Broadband installed 10th this month. Wifi speed never higher how 800mbps uploand if Iam lucky have same or lower on half. Wired is same how wifi! My contract is for 1 gig pro.
First 2weeks have city fibre big problems and speed and connection was no stable all days. My IP is still somewhere in USA and today coming email that they wil debited my account 2x higher how is my broadband contract?! That is nit something what we expected. Really not happy @Yayzi_Team bill amount was explained.

This won’t help your wired speeds, but I have been doing some Wi-Fi testing with the supplied router and noticed the channel width drops back to 80Mhz at random times.

Not sure if this is a firmware bug, but I’ve had to go back in and set it back to 160Mhz 3 times in the testing I’ve been doing. I’d check your channel width is set to 160Mhz.

If its set to 80Mhz it obviously halves my throughput pretty much to around 800-900mbps.

In terms of your wired speed do you have a network interface card in your device that is 2.5Gbps and going into either a 2.5G switch or port 4 on the Yayzi router. If you only have a 1Gbps NIC in the device you are testing from it will top out at around 940 because of overhead.

There is lots of factors that will affect the download speed you are seeing so probably best to confirm all of the above first.

thank you for reply, my network card is 2.5GHz. my setting in router is settuped for Auto channel and auto channel width same for 2.4 ghz and same for 5ghz

Please could you drop a line to their support who will be able to resolve this for you [email protected] this way they can link your Forum username to your Yayzi Account Profile. I would also like to mention on your community profile that your gmail address is publicly visible (looks like your email has been set as your name) you can change this here -

bill was explained how “Your first bill is the pro rata period for the remaining days in July since connection and the month of August.”

Thank you will have look on my profile and change it.

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My pleasure, wouldn’t want a web crawler bot to sign you up to spam mail!


Also check that the device is capable of 160 MHz bandwidths,

Expected by Yayzi 500-900