Getting weird slowness connecting to things since 5pm yesterday

Everything was fine and normal - then at around 5pm I started getting webpages taking a long time to load - not the loading part itself per se, but the connecting part.
Pings are fast, speed tests are fast… once it’s connected, which can take up to 30 seconds, every time. Because all the tests I can find to run test speed or latency, I can’t find what’s actually being slow as whatever it is doesn’t seem to be measured - if I ping a website, it’ll hang for like 20-30 seconds before the pinging starts, then all the pings are normal.

Is this something to do with the migration? Because it’s driving me a bit nuts.

Has your IP changed to 31.57.x.x? If it has you’ve been migrated, however the issue you’re seeing is likely unrelated… sounds more like a DNS issue

I am on a 31.57.x.x IP - so I guess I have been migrtated.
I’ve tried many different DNS services - Google, Cloudflare, Quad9, Level3 - all do the same thing

Try flushing the DNS on the PC

In windows, open cmd and type: ipconfig/flushdns

Nope - did that, rebooted, tried to load a webpage…hang for 20+ seconds before it loaded. It’s not every time though either - sometimes I can open 4 or 5 websites, and they’ll all sit there trying to connect for ages, then POP! they all load instantly at once. Or sometimes, some will load and others will just sit there connecting - sometimes the ones which were taking ages to connect will start working normally, whilst the ones which were working normally will start to take ages to connect again.
It’s all over the place and there’s no consistent repeatability to help me narrow it down - it’s quite maddening tbh

The broadband quality monitor on Thinkbroadband shows my connection as absolutely tip-top - I just can’t find the source of the problem.

@Yayzi_Team, this one seems interesting

Now I can’t get any other webpage to load but this one - I can refresh this one, and it loads instantly - BBC, Google, Reddit and YouTube are all just stuck connecting.

Sometimes it seems OK, and sometimes it’s practically unusable - but never consistently.

OK, found something consistent - it’s suddenly being a real pain and most pages will barely load (but some will load almost instantly without issue). (website for NCFC news) won’t load at all - connection times out. But will load immediately. YouTube will hang and then partially load. BBC will partially load instantly, then the images will hang.

I’m assuming you don’t have any additional firewalls/web filtering/proxy/security appliance in your network?

Nope - and everything was normal until about 5pm yesterday.

I did get disconnected briefly - rebooted the router, and I was connected again but with these issues, and it’s been that way ever since.

I don’t know if the disconnection was migration, as I didn’t make a note of my IP beforehand.

For one of the sites where the images aren’t loading, can you right click on the image placeholder, select copy image URL and paste that in to a new browser tab and see what comes back, like an HTTP error or something?

Can you also run a tracert to one of the sites not loading, and paste on here - make sure you obfuscate your own IP.

Tracerts come up normal - even though they take way longer than nomral to complete - nothing I test shows any unual numbers as latency and speeds are fine, once it’s connected.

When images don’t load, it’s a delay - they load eventually, just takes way longer than anything else, likely because it’s having to connect to a different server to load them, and it’s that connection that holds everything up, seeingly.

Tracert to Google:

Numbers look fine, but each hop took 10-15 seconds.

Tracert to (which doesn’t load at all):

Also, if I connect to a VPN, everything works perfectly.

Tracert to whilst connected to a UK-based Mulvad VPN server:

14 hops instead of 7 - latency numbers much higher, but the process was much faster than the 7 hops on my direct Yayzi connection

Each hop will take longer as its doing DNS resolution on each hop.


tracert -d

Will be much quicker.

What DNS servers are you using?

I’m getting the same issue. Hell, I can’t even post on these forums from my Yayzi connection because my password manager (LassPass) has blocked my new 31.* under their export controls. I’m on my phone on 5g to post this.

Can’t access any of my normal sites.

It’s not a local pc thing, TV can’t stream, kids laptops won’t open the usual stuff like iPlayer or netflix.

Just been months of these so called upgrades and migrations…at what point do we just get a stable working service that isn’t endlessly being riddled with?