Installation done, no service, was told something about an ASN light?

Hopefully you do, that’s a killer wait, but I guess they’re busy

That seems a while to wait, as they’ve fixed the issue

I asked if it was possible to come connect me sooner but the 9th was the earliest date, with the 13th being the next available date

One thing I genuinely don’t understand is, (this is not a complaint at Yayzi! Yayzi have been incredible every single step of the way!) why do I have to wait until August 9th for an installation when… I already had everything installed? Junction box, wire from the pole inside it, ONT on my wall with the white cap to its side… can’t they just come over and turn my connection on at the pole?

I mean heck, Yayzi already entered my details in yesterday after the fix, as they were unable to before, but can now… it seems a little silly that CityFibre are making me wait. Unless maybe there is something I am missing? Do you know, @WhyAydan @Yayzi_Team?

No idea, it could be resourcing on CF side, they have people who carry out the various stages so it could be lack of availability until then for that team

Or have run out of fibre until then ha!

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Makes sense

It’s simply supply and demand unfortunately.


Got it, understood. :slight_smile:

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We are finally LIVE!!! CityFibre connected me to a different telegraph pole in the end, they just left, and WOW! These speeds are amazing! I am so happy I finally have internet and I am getting EXACTLY what I am paying for! And big up to Yayzi for fighting so hard for me! I really mean it!


Welcome aboard the Lightning fast internet train!

Why go Virgin Media Fast, when you can go CityFibre fast?

VM, the only ISP (currently) where a symmetrical connection costs an extra £6, (on FTTP)

YEAH! I think you’re in Leeds like I am as well mate, but I am VERY pleased with my new internet! And I get this month for free thanks to the reddit offer, no installation fee due to using my own router, and it’s only 39 pounds a month for 18 months with no in contract price rises? Why wouldn’t I want that?

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If you took the reddit offer, it’ll be Month to Month, which is even better!

Yes, I am in Leeds :smiley:

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What’s even crazier to me is when I go out I see old Virgin Media junction boxes on people’s walls with no CityFibre box there or even Openreach despite having CF available and I think, “Mate, what are you doing?”

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Some people are happy with Virgin HFC, I can understand it, VM’s HFC works okay-ish - and if it’s been there for years (in my case it has been there since 2005, I think) people don’t want to have anything re-dug up

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Fair enough!

In my case to tidy up the wall, I took the box off the wall and pulled the fibre, as BT wouldn’t.

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Braver man than I, the CF engineers I had just ran it where I asked, they were so nice

Same here, I asked it could specifically be put in my bedroom and they were more than happy to accommodate.

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Compared to the BT engineers Kelly, I asked for it to be taken into the loft and he was arguing and stuck it where he wanted, screwed into and run it down the fascia I had just renewed so wasn’t best happy with them

It depends, Same with Cityfibre if it’s classed as an ‘enclosed space’ or not, if it is, they won’t run it up there for health and safety

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