Installation done, no service, was told something about an ASN light?

Hey, Kelly Communications just left my property but weren’t able to get a connection, and he mentioned something about an ASN light not being on or something, said he’d flag his manager. What does this all mean so that I understand? I’m special needs and none of this makes any sense to me, so I must ask for patience, I will do my best to understand. The broadband and service lights, or the two lights in the middle, are off. The ones on the far left and far right are on (Power and Ethernet). I’m not using a Yayzi router for reference, I got my own ASUS router which I pre-configured prior to moving thanks to help I received on this forum.

Hello there welcome to the forum :wave:

No light at the ASN simply means there isn’t a connection at the cabinet for you just yet (this could be for many reasons). Meaning CityFibre still need to finish the install for you. The @Yayzi_Team can chase this for you to hopefully speed up the install.

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Oh okay I understand thank you, I hope it won’t take long as I’m running low on mobile data and can’t do my job if it runs out. Installation guy said he’d flag it up as a ‘priority job’ and said maybe it will be sorted out today or maybe over the next few days (hopefully today because if I run out of mobile data I’m kinda screwed)

Kelly Communications left about 15 minutes ago for reference so very very recently. I appreciate the clarity anyway @WhyAydan

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It’s my pleasure, we are all here to help you out :slight_smile:

The Yayzi Team might be able to clarify further if needed but simply put theres an issue with the fibre either between you and the little Green Cabinet or an issue between the Cabinet and CityFibre.


Okay thanks a lot

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What @WhyAydan said is absolutely spot on - We haven’t had the engineering notes through yet to give you a more detailed explanation.


Oh that’s fine @Yayzi_Team do you already have my details or do you need me to send them over so you could check later? When I signed up to get my broadband installed I didn’t say my forum name

If you can drop us an email with your forum username that would be great! [email protected]

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I’ve just sent the email just now @Yayzi_Team

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Ah sorry, I hope the email managed to reach you, I’m having poor mobile signal issues here and it’s possible the email didn’t send, just wanted to double check @Yayzi_Team

EDIT :: I am now in touch via email, thank you


If anyone else happens to be going through the same thing I am with this no ASN light thing post install and find this thread via Google, I’ll provide updates of my unfortunate adventure with trying to get CityFibre to sort out this light issue so I can enjoy my new connection.

Yayzi have been brilliant, pushing CityFibre for updates, giving me daily updates each morning, literally can’t fault the customer service at all. I’m not used to being treated so well by a company.

Anyhow, the installation took place in the morning of Tuesday 23rd July 2024, and at the end of the installation, Kelly Communications informed me of the light at the ASN not existing and put this forward to CityFibre just before leaving.

With daily requests from Yayzi, CityFibre finally sent an engineer out to look at the issue on 25th July 2024, but have said further work needs to be done, and hope to have the issue resolved before the end of the 27th July 2024. (I hope so too!!!)


Do they work weekends? I thought not? Or is it just their office based staff?

Looks like Cityfibre will have engineers on Saturdays…


Ah, brilliant! So I guess there’s hope for me after all! They work Saturdays!

As for anyone with this same issue, I just want to say please don’t blame your ISP. It’s entirely a CityFibre issue. Be annoyed at CityFibre, not at Yayzi, or Vodafone, or iDNet, or TalkTalk or whoever you’re with, it’s not their fault.

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Small update, but I wanted to say something for clarification… first of all let me just say that it does indeed look like CityFibre work Saturdays for things like this, Yayzi received an update late Saturday and CityFibre said,

“Our investigation has identified that further work is required to clear the obstruction preventing this service from going live. This date will be confirmed within 2 working days.”

Does anyone here know what they mean by “the obstruction”? I got my internet from a telegraph pole and not a toby box @Yayzi_Team @WhyAydan

Sorry just to clarify I am special needs & don’t entirely understand these things

Hello again,

So the same is around my area, it goes on the pole after its been at the green box. But between the green box and the pole there is a conduit pipe called a duct underground, which in this case seems to be obstructed. This obstruction could also be between their green box and another box. So when they say obstruction this could be for many reasons such as as stone has got stuck in the duct or the duct has simply been crushed when they put back the dirt/tarmac. Unfortunately, these things do happen and as much as they are a pain they should be resolved very quickly. So hold in there, you should soon be connected! The @Yayzi_Team will be in touch for the whole process to help where they can! Who knows maybe they will go out and dig up the road! (just to clarify this is a joke :slight_smile: )

There is 100% no need to apologise we are all here to help where we can, again sorry to hear about the delays you are having. They aren’t normally this slow. I can understand how you are feeling and just hope CityFibre clear that blockage ASAP! Reach out if you have any further questions (I don’t work for Yayzi so all my opinions and views are my own, which may or may not be correct :slight_smile: )

Ahh thank you @WhyAydan! I understand now. It should be an easy fix for CityFibre, right? My biggest fear is them turning around and telling me “lol it’s buggered so you can NEVER have a connection via cityfibre”.

Also I do apologise because I just worry I’m being annoying emailing Yayzi every morning to ask for an update even if they have none, I know that’s ridiculous but that’s just me being me lol

Does this mean it’s very likely they can fix the issue today or tomorrow?

I can’t talk for when they might get it done as I don’t want you get your hopes up. But yeah it should be very simple to fix :slight_smile:! Rest assured they need to fix this anyhow as no one who is on that pole will be able to get a connection, whilst the blockage is in place. So they will 100% want to get this resolved ASAP.

I honestly wouldn’t worry, the Yayzi guys are very very friendly and they know how important it is to get a connection. I know for a fact that the guys over their (Yayzi) chase CityFibre daily if not more for updates on a lot of things! I’m the same, as is a lot of people who just want to know whats going on and where we are at.

Don’t stress, this will all be resolved (hopefully very very soon).

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Thanks so much for the reassurance @WhyAydan. And yeah I looked at my neighbours front walls and nobody else has a CityFibre junction box except me, so I guess when this is fixed I’ve done my neighbours a massive favour indirectly lmao

But yeah you guys have been great! Yayzi have been so nice to me and have responded within 30 minutes to my emails when I have an equiry or wish for an update. Alright in that case then I won’t worry about annoying Yayzi anymore, and just email once every morning at 10:00AM and see if there’s any update they can give me from CityFibre. :slight_smile:

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“I can see our engineers had a problem with the pole on the day of install. This has now been resolved and the install will go ahead on the 09/08 AM slot 8.00am-13.00pm”

I got this from Yayzi via CityFibre, so they apparently fixed the blockage and the issue with the pole. I should have internet on August 9th… I hope!

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