I have no internet.
Pls investigate. Can’t log in to work.
I have no internet.
Pls investigate. Can’t log in to work.
@Yayzi_Team this is urgent please.
Hello, just while you wait. Have you dropped an email over to [email protected]
Service light off?
Hi I raised a ticket through the support desk, it’s being dealt with (hopefully).
Apparently city fibre are coming to do an ONT box upgrade.
I had received a text off city fibre but because I already had it, I assumed it was an error. Didn’t mention an upgrade on the text just a connection.
Hopefully they arrive on time.
Yeah seems to be the issue, CityFibre seem to be doing upgrades from GPON to XGS but without telling/scheduling.
Mine has been up and down all morning
CF doesn’t seem to be sending the correct text, not only does it not mention Yayzi, like the Vodafone ones do! They mention a full install, which it should say “service upgrade”
Well they ain’t here yet anyway. Have until 1pm but why take existing service down at 930 if not coming till later.
Probably not the teams being co-ordinated
All sorted, they’ve swapped the box all working again.
What box do you have now? Still a Caliix
Sorry I don’t know brand, but it looks exactly the same its just been upgraded to a device capable of faster speeds. Not that I need anything greater than 1 gig anyway.
If it looks the same as the old one, it’s likely just an upgraded version of what you had