IPv6 plans and details

I may be just naive regarding IPv6, but is there any difference between a/60 and a/48?

/60 gives you 16 /64s and /48 gives you 64k /64s haha.

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Oh OK so just works the same as ipv4 In a way.

I may have embarrassed myself enough for the day, so I will leave you to it

Glad to see it working for you as well :slight_smile:

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It working for me. I didn’t receive any invite to the trial, but had my router configured ready to go.
Unfortunately this morning at the time you all got your IPv6 working, my ipv4 stopped working :upside_down_face::pensive:
I have checked settings and I’m definitely set for dynamic IPv4. Just in case I’ve switched off IPv6 config. Still no joy.

Are you set for DHCPv4 wan side?

Morning :wave:,

Is IPV6 enabled to all users by default. If it is then how do I set it up on my EX230V. Please can someone give me steps to set it up.

Many thanks :blush:

It is yes, is that a Yayzi provided router?

Yes. And just in case, I’ve disabled IPv6 but that hasn’t helped.

All looking good so far, have setup IPv6 on one VLAN to test, need to look porting over some Firewall rules to IPv6 just to keep in sync with IPv4.

For DNS I use Pihole - got that working with IPv6, just point to Local fe80: address and its working as well as IPv4.

Will test through the day. So far so good

What router are you currently using?

IPv6 is another ball game lol

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Omada ER707-M2
Which has worked perfectly for a couple of months (with WAN side DHCP)
There were problems when first setting up because CityFibre required MAC address cloning, contrary to the advice of Yayzi and CityFibre themselves. But since then no problems.

Could you try it without cloning just to check?

You will need to delegate the range to each subnet as far as I know before you see any addresses :slight_smile:

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Yes, that seems to be correct, At least on the ubiquity OS. The router doesn’t seem to have an IP V6 address however all my clients do

At least if it does, they don’t make it visible

Already tried that. Would have been weird if that worked when you think about it, but was worth a try.

I’ll dig the Yayzi router out and try that. With and without MAC cloning.

In the mean time drop an email over to the support folks who will be able to pull up your line to see what’s going on

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Yes it is a Yayzi provided router

A firmware update is going out today which should enable this for you :slight_smile:

I can boot up my Yayzi router and see if there’s any config I can see to help