Just a couple of questions I'm curious of answers to

Yayzi = speeds up to 2.3gbps
A N Other Company = speeds up to 2.5gbps
Most other companies = speeds up to 900mbps

  1. Is there any sort of reasoning behind Yayzi stopping at 2.3gbps (although it is usually a little above that typically) and not offering the 2.5gbps?

  2. Does anyone have any thoughts on why most other companies dont tend to offer anything about 900/1 gig connections?

I’m pretty sure Yayzi used to offer 2.5 but I don’t think the line ever actually got that speed (CityFibre issue). I could be wrong but I don’t think 2.5 is actually supported

As for the other question, other ISPs on CityFibre might not have the core capability to actually do the higher speeds

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Many thanks, I probably should’ve just asked on Discord, but at work so don’t have access and I’d have forgotten to ask by the time I got home haha

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It’s all good :slight_smile:

so it is the sort of thing where companies, such as yayzi, pay city fibre to allow them to use their network and depending on how much they want to use, bandwidth, speed, etc they get charged for that?

So a major portion of the monthly cost goes CityFibre then the rest goes to Yayzi to run the core, pay the peers (although some don’t charge as it benefits the peer), future proof etc.

CityFibre don’t AFAIK charge for bandwidth etc. but they do charge for every install. They also charge for every engineer visit.

The only bandwidth that Yayzi might need to pay is to the uplinks to the greater internet (not via peers)

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I just used bandwidth as it was a work I understood to do with networks haha

But again, what you say makes perfect sense, thank you and I will now stop asking silly questions :slight_smile:

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None of these questions are silly you are all good :slight_smile:

It’s nice to see people take an interest in how your internet works!

Once @Yayzi_Team get a sec I’m sure they will love to share more information on how they operate. They are very open (most of the time to open)


It’s also nice to get reasonable replies and responses, especially from people not employed by Yayzi.
It does also show that Yayzi must be doing something right if people like yourself help out and put up with some of the … that happens


It’s my pleasure! I’m normally very reasonable and happy to explain things where possible :slight_smile:

Yeah Yayzi are a very good bunch of guys with huge ambitions to overthrow the normal. Sometimes theres issues (mainly not them, but people only see Yayzi) but none that can’t be fixed


Hey @MisterMKD the short of it is, advertising rules. It’s provisioned on a 2.5Gbps line, but due to port overheads etc… It’s almost impossible to get 2.5Gbps. Like with 1Gbps you get around 947mbps ish…

I hope that helps! :smiley:


Do you over provision for this then? Example I’m on the 1200/1000 and off-peak I see 1200 no problem. So I’m guessing my speed config is 1300 to take into account the overheads etc so I see 1200? Or am I just lucky and the configs 1200 and I get 1200?

Thank you for your reply and the explanation so the fact that I tend to be at 2.36gbps is over provisioning to make sure I get what you are actually offering and these other companies that offer 2.5gbps could potentially be running a very fine line with regards to the advertising rules and reg?