New installation no internet

Hi, I just had the router installed but the engineer said the router has not been “provisioned” and I need to contact support to get that done.
I’m working from home today so that I could be available for the installation and need the internet working asap.
I’ve WhatsApp and Emailed with no response.
Can this be rectified with some urgency please?


New user needs help

I can’t find a messgae on WhatsApp from you, can you DM here with your name and address please :slight_smile:

Sorry how do I DM you through this feed?

Just got your email about 4 mins ago - We’re on it for you :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much

It seems the engineer hasn’t closed the job down, we’re on with CityFibre now for you :slight_smile:

Ok, will await your update. Do you think it will be resolved shortly?

The completely honest answer is I don’t know - We’ve opened a ticket with the CityFibre order desk requesting they close it, once that has been done your line will come live - it should be tonight, but more than likely tomorrow - I just want to set your expectations :slight_smile:

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Oh no! This is not acceptable, I’m supposed to be working!
the engineer was very dismissive and I felt like he might not do something right to cause more disruption!

If you want to drop me an email to [email protected] and put for the attention of Liam - I’d like to understand why the engineer was like to I can raise a complaint with CityFibre

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That is absolutely unacceptable and needs feeding back to CF via Yayzi


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I can see you’re online now :slightly_smiling_face:

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Props to you! It’s great that you came back to update