No internet dropped and hasn't reconnected

About 10 minutes ago my internet dropped and it hasn’t connected I do have a request in with yourselves for a couple of things so just thought it would restart and be sorted unfortunately it’s still not working.

@Yayzi_Stefan @Yayzi_Liam @Yayzi_Chris

Strange enough mine went down but is back up now only went off for couple minutes


Still off but being worked on so hopefully sorted soon

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Can someone reply please @Yayzi_Team

@Yayzi_Stefan @Yayzi_Chris @yayzi_Liam

Maged to get back on using the supplied details but have been put on another us ip

Please please please swap me to 185 range

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, glad you got reconnected. We will swap you over to a 185. Most important thing was to get you back online first to ensure there weren’t further issues :slightly_smiling_face:

Speed is slightly slower than before 900mbps instead of 1200 and ping fluctuates a bit bit at least I have internet :ok_hand: thanks for everyone’s help and getting it sorted its appreciated

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Connection has gone again and nothng will connect was all fine till city fibre came back out the other day @Yayzi_Team

We’re on it for you, and I agree the connection was pretty stable before CityFibre came out. It may be worth is getting them to run some checks too

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Thank you please keep me.updated I’m running out of 4g lol

Can you check the settings we got you to enter earlier are still in, it’s showing on our end that the router was factory reset, so may be worth checking :slightly_smiling_face:

No it’s entered a different IP and won’t connect also getting this error in the aignet app

Are you able to change them back to the details I sent you and see if that gets you back online?

I can’t change them back when I do it doesn’t connect and then these settings are populated

Finally managed to get it to reconnect with the provided details any other issues re speed etc please leave till I return from my holiday as everything is currently working @Yayzi_Team

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