No internet for a month. No-one from Yayzi ever replies to tickets or emails. Want to leave

I’ve not had internet for a month now. I’ve raised tickets and sent emails, but nobody from Yayzi ever replies.
Could I please just cancel my account and go to another company?



We’ve replied to several emails but haven’t had a reply back, I can see your provided images in your last email so have raised a ticket with CityFibre to investigate the fault.

Yayzi Support Team

Hi. You’ve not replied to any of my emails. Thats a lie.

Just as you never replied to any of my emails for a month when you failed to deliver my router for a month. When you did eventually get in touch you promised i’d get 3 months internet for free, But thats not working.

Ive not heard from CityFibre either.


We sent you an email on 30th October @ 19:12 but have yet to get a response, we’ve just sent you another email a couple of minutes ago so we can try and get this resolved for you.

Yayzi Support Team


The only email from you sent on 30th October was the automatic message that gets generated when you post in this forum. I.e the message just above this one in the chain saying “we’ve replied to several emails…”. (You haven’t),

I have however just received a new email this minute from you asking whether im around tomorrow for an engineer visit. Thats the email i’ve received from you since I raised the issue a month ago. So I guess thanks for that.

The Yayzi email you sent me on Thursday said a City Fibre engineer would be visiting my property on Friday. Nobody turned up. To be honest I had no faith or confidence they would but still lived in hope that a miracle might occur.

Coming up to 5 weeks with no internet.

Sorry to hear about the experience you are getting with them… I am also starting to experience these communication issues… not getting any response in WhatsApp apart from its in the post and its a royal mail issue… but that’s for another thread!


We’ve chased this up with CityFibre for you, unfortunately they don’t do anything over weekends which is frustrating, but we can escalate this on Monday for you to ensure the engineer arrives like they’re supposed to.

Yayzi Support Team

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If you could drop an email to [email protected] I can see what’s going on for you.

Yayzi Customer Support

Hi Kislam. Ah sorry to hear you’re also having these issues as well. I think they’ve basically got a standard list of excuses they rotate through to customers. When I first joined them (massive regret) I waited weeks and no router arrived. I tried phoning them, emailing, online chat (never online), raised tickets, and got nothing back. Then after about 3 weeks I finally got this reply from “[email protected]” from someone called Adam:

Hi Kam

*Please accept our apologies for not getting back to you, we’ve had some significant issues while moving our email system over. *

I can see a router was sent to you quite a while ago, but the tracking for Royal Mail shows it as in the North West Super Hub, where it has been for a considerable amount of time. We can speak to Royal Mail to ascertain what has happened here.

So basically blaming it on their new email system, and Royal Mail!
Honestly, it just carries on like this. If you can get out of the contract with them (i.e you’re in the cooling off period) just do it and go somewhere else. This lot are a bunch of clowns.


Nope still nothing. I wonder if CityFibre just ignore you, in the same way you just ignore your customers?

Another day with no response. Coming up to 6 weeks with no internet…

Let’s just make this easy. You confirm I can just leave, and we can call it quits.

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We have an engineer booked in for tomorrow between 8am-1pm to resolve your issues.


should of read the warning signs on the wall… possibly going down a similar route… where no internet and not looking like going to be resolved any time soon!!!

Hi Kislam. I hope you get it sorted mate. As you can see from my chain above i’ve had a nightmare with them. Lots of empty promises, missed appointments, and ignored emails. All of those are bad enough - but the worst thing about this lot is that they blatantly lie just to try and buy themselves more time.

I should report that after nearly 7 weeks I do now have working internet, so should probably be thankful. However, I just know that next time it goes down (and I have no doubt from my experience so far, it will go down again) that it’s going to take another 7 weeks to fix.

Anyway, good luck - I hope you get your issue sorted.

Yayzi team - I’m pleased to confirm that the internet continues to work, so thank you for that. However, you have now started hassling me for payment and saying you will stop the service, even though that is not what was agreed when I signed up due to the huge delays I had.

On 8th August, “Adam” from the “[email protected]” account acknowledge the problems and sent me the following - "what I would like to do is offer you 3 months free due to this huge delay and also get another router shipped out to you. I’d also like to give you a free upgrade to our gigabit package."

As far as I’m concerned I’m about 5 weeks into that 3 month trial period, as in the last 3 months that is the duration for which i’ve had working internet. Please can you confirm my internet will continue for the next 7 weeks without me having to make payment?

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The email you’ve received is just from the billing system as it’s just seen there is no payment method on file. It won’t affect your service, we’ve already added the credit the your account to cover this.

Yayzi Support Team