Hi all,
Does anyone else have any issues accessing odeon.co.uk? This (so far) is the only site I have issues with. I’m on the 79.135.101.x range and haven’t run into any problems with anything else, so I’m not sure it’s a geolocation issue.
At the moment I get a cloudflare error saying that I’ve been blocked. Happens on PC and phone when on wifi. Works fine if I go over 5g.
I mean, it’s the Odeon, It’s not decent like the Vue, so…. . Realistically, I only hate them because they overcharge on tickets, What cost me £10 at the Odeon, Cost only £6 at the Vue, The seats are just as comfy as well. I would also argue with the screen is better quality at the vue
As a follow up, I have noticed more Cloudflare related issues recently which I only get via Yayzi IP. Something strange going on which definitely needs looking at by @Yayzi_Team
By this I mean more captcha type prompts or getting temporarily blocked from accessing sites with Cloudflare errors.
Just thought I’d mention that the Odeon page is now loading for me (on 141.11.x.x). but it wasn’t a few days ago so something has been amended recently.