Payment not been taken

No payment has been taken today and i havent changed any direct debit details from before idk what to do now

Tbh if i keep having issues as small as they are but keep adding up i might just end up leaving

Hey @Jord2204

We’ve just moved everything from GoCardless to Stripe, if your payment hasn’t yet been taken then allow a couple of days and it will be.

I’ve just looked back at previous conversations and I can’t see any issues that have been raised, only questions that you’ve asked and been responded too quite quickly. If you are having issues do open a support ticket at [email protected] and I’d love to help you :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m having the same issue, showing tried payments 4 times from the 28th nov to the 2nd all failed
Should I just wait or has something gone wrong?
Also no details changed in my account other than update password
I also tried to add a mobile number but it kept saying invalid phone number

We sent an email out yesterday that explains that we migrated to Stripe and its delayed payments by a few days, there is nothing anyone needs to do :slight_smile:

We’ll take a look at the mobile issue for you though! :smiley:

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