Quick question especially for those using a third party router

If you have to make any changes to your router settings that require a reboot to take effect, how long does it take for the wan to reconnect after the router restarts, on my Asus GT-AXE16000 it’s taking at least 10 minutes.

I have not tested it post migration however pre-migration it was a couple of seconds after the router had booted up

Realistically, they are not many settings that require a reboot apart from maybe an operating system update

At least not on the UniFi gear

I would also rather not test it

On nonsense, reboot take a min, WAN establishes almost instantly

Running merlin firmware on my Asus & weirdly if I want to bind a lan ip to a mac address to make it static that causes the wan connection to drop, might post on the snbforum & enquire about that.

This is the weird thing, pre-migration (customer since August) my router always took like 5-10 minutes to get DHCP, now it’s 10-20 seconds…I’ll properly test when the DHCP stuff sorts out.