Service down for hours

My services are down in the derby area, we would like to know whats going on at least someone post some kind of reply to let us know whats going on or when we can be back online, watsapp number doesnt work and cant see any post to lots of other people having the same issue, i need the net for work and kids please at least tell us whats going on and when we can get back online

Yayzi have mentioned in the other post that they are struggling to fix the problem quick enough so they are moving all customers over to their new network as quickly as they can.

hopefully they will get us sorted soon!

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Hi Paul,

There is a thread just below yours with updates, and links to our status pages.

But just to recap. There is currently a national outage that is affecting a small number of customers that haven’t yet been migrated to our new network. The issue is with our transit provider and we’re in contact with them to get this sorted.

But what we are doing is moving our timeline up to move those remaining customers (including you) to our new network.

Apologies that you’re having issues, but we are sorting it.


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Is this still going to be resolved this evening?

It is :slightly_smiling_face: we’ve just done some test connections and we’re happy with the outcome so we’ve already starting to move people over to the new network. Service will come online slowly over the next few hours.

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You kind of said this already few hours ago .

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We did, but we want to make sure this is done correctly, the transit link is still down to this is still going to be the faster option.