Start of an issue with no internet!

Just had a call with city fibre and apparently they have no information of the issue I am facing with no internet… not able to get any response from support which is non existent in the whatsapp… 24/7 so called support which will drive you up the wall as they take long time to respond.

This is gonna be anoying as already have an issue and no one taking ownership as they are too busy point fingers at each other… while customer experience is non existence.

I have had updates from Yayzi of city fibre confirming issue… but speaking to them they cannot see any tickets logged via Yayzi… which I still need to validate once I get an incident ref number which CF then can chase up possibly.

Yayzi 2 man team… and not giving me confidence to stay with them… issues can happen but communication is important and customer confidence to resolve issues… and even more confusion now as City Fibre are telling me something different to what Yayzi support have raised!

Need to get out this contract no doubt I have signed up to stupidly… anybody have a contact number for Yazi support where I can talk to a person?

I don’t know your specific issues etc. that you are facing, but it wouldn’t really surprise me if a lot of this is on Cityfibre. There seems to be a pattern (not just from Yayzi customers) of missed appointments by Cityfibre and other inefficiencies etc.

I’ve had Cityfibre engineers tell me one thing and the next set show up and say the total opposite. Right now I have two sitting in a van outside my house because they thought that this job was a new install when really it’s just an ONT change, and they don’t have the right ONT, so they’re sitting waiting for another van to show up. Issues like that can only be with Cityfibre since they should obviously know what properties they have installed fibre to and what ONTs etc. are in place. Their engineers have also told me that they have a frustrating lack of access to Cityfibre’s actual systems to fix stuff, a lot of issues that need fixing they have to essentially call customer service to sort out on your behalf.

I understand the frustration but just bear in mind that it may be no better with another ISP if they are Cityfibre based. While Cityfibre are no longer a small infrastructure provider by any means, it does feel like they are struggling with fast growth and keeping track/on top of everything. Once you do get things sorted, the connection seems quite solid.

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I have to agree the issue is definitely on CF SIDE yayzi is my second provider but the issues I had are exactly the same as with the first one.
When they came to do an upgrade they had no idea what they doing they had no equipment that was meant to be installed.
I am afraid they just grow to fast and they can’t keep up with the amount of new customers.

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Sorry for late response… to be fair to CF it was not issue on the line… as the when we tried with the HX220 router it connected up successfully… and as it happened was not connecting with the new router that was sent out EX820v.

I resolved it by doing a factory reset a number of times before it started to work. The odd thing now is we are trying to find out why the ONT device when connecting with HX220 data connects up with green light but with the EX820v it is amber.

Speeds appears to be same for now… around 800-900Mbps