Steam download speed

@supershaun Check the Link Speed line on your PC that will tell you the sync speed it established with your router. This is where I would start, step by step.
To check it right click on your network icon → Network and Internet settings, then go into Ethernet

What CPU is it currently? I’d say at 14900k or an AMD 7800X3D

I would say, do you really need the game downloading at 2.5Gbps? but then again, we’re nerds, we want to see the numbers

He has a AMD Ryzen 5600X. The way I look at it is if I’m paying for 2.5Gbps then he might as well get the full speed. But he will be using his pocket money to buy new CPU if needed l😂

That’s true, some some research as I just gave you the latest CPU for the meme, realistically AMD are bringing out a new CPU in a few months

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It will be the CPU, I’ve an I9-10900k and its pinned at 100% while downloading games on steam and tops out at around 1.6Gbps

Its not the downloading thats the issue, its steams decompression algorithm while downloading that is very cpu intensive.

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I have been looking at this one and says supports AM4 Socket to replace mine. I just don’t know how much stronger/better it would be

Still almost a 4 year old CPU mate, its on par with my 10900k

Website isn’t totally accurate but gives a bit of a comparison.

Mines pegged at 100% @ 1.6Gbps

Its very likely you’d need to upgrade your mobo + CPU if you want to get full 2.5gbps on steam.

I will wait until new AMD CPU comes out then.

Thanks all for help👍


Can they be overclocked? or are they clocked locked? :slight_smile:

OK, The link looks good.
This processor is around 11th gen intel 11600. I can’t imagine it can’t handle more than 1 Gbps. 1 Giga bit per second is around 120Mega Bytes/s. Only the processor may not fix the issue, unless you start changing other parts like motherboard/Windows/Windows drivers, then it might coincidently solve the issue.

Can you send a screenshot of your device manager to see if there can be any issues there?

Try running a hard drive speed test with CrystalDiskMark and let us know the results.
Btw, can you run speedtest on this computer and post us the results?

If you’re not too bothered about windows or you can reinstall it, you could try Linux. :grinning:

I would imagine that you’re using and SSD drive as opposed to a mechanical hard drive.

Anti virus and anti malware not causing any issues.

Im using NVME but i have just checked and can see on amazon that the read speed is 2,200MB/s & write speed is 1,600MB/s so im guessing this will be/could be the issue. see pic below.

All Antivirus/Anti malware is now deleted from pc

Either way it sounds expensive, getting top end throughout always is.

Better get your wallet out, that’s probably the first hurdle, but then like @Lee says more could follow :grinning::+1:

Yeah true. It’s my sons pc so he had a birthday and obviously Christmas so if he wants stuff he will have to get it😂

Lol not the bank of dad then?

That’s more than enough, approximately 7x or 8x faster than your internet connection. So your hard drive also should fine, but speed test of the hard drive would confirm it. What are the speed results on (try a couple of servers there)?

Likely, you’ll probably want a gen4 NVME SSD, those can do I think 4gpbs write or something insane

He wants his download at the full 2.5gb/s, he will be a faster drive

1 Byte = 8 bits
2.5Gbps (this value is in bits) is around 280 MB/s (this value is in bytes)
His current hard drive write speed is 1,600MB/s (value in Bytes)
So his hard drive is more than sufficient for his internet speed.

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2.5 Gbps = 312.5 MB/s

In theory it should be :+1: That’s up to, I suppose depending on bus speed and other bottlenecks.

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