Submitted a support ticket. removed with no response

As the title says
I understand their is a lot of people complaining on the support site right now but i don’t think its acceptable to just remove a ticket unanswered. Ticked doesn’t show up in my previous tickets either.

Tickets need to be submitted to either [email protected] or [email protected] :slight_smile:

Everything i had to say is already posted elsewhere on here anyway

Any news when FY2 will be back on?

It’s not a specifc area problem with this, its affecting certain customres. Could you factory reset your ONT for me and the router and let me know if that helps.

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Still nothing. Not even getting an IP


Just got a 79.135.101.X addresse but no internet access

Edit - since posting we lost this IP

That’s what I was getting earlier, not even getting a ip now. I’m going to try factory resetting the ONT when I get home as my next step, I really don’t want to have to factory reset my UDM Pro if I don’t have to.

I’m still having issues- IP 79.135 etc etc… please help! Reset my routers / ONT / no joy

We’re on it, don’t worry we will get you sorted and back online :slight_smile: Thanks for being patient!

Can you point me to which page says this.

As just tried the “Help and Support Categories” and i can find it.


Regards darren

Hi Darren,

You just email either of those addresses and a ticket would be opened in our system for you.

Hope this will be tonight