Unable to get 5g 5ghz only 2.4ghz

Yayzi was down nationwide yesterday had issues with ethernet cable trying to set up sky q today all good but wifi can only find 2.4ghz not 5ghz so the 5g is down but my id running on 3 network is ok and when using 5g

yayzi broadband was down all others running on city fibre was all good vwry weird.

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not sure what your issue is . The problem is with yayzi core network not with City Fibre . Of you ahving issues with wifi 5g it is not related to the core network . Just check your router settings make sure 5g wifi is enabled if it is reboot it .

If I remember correctly, if you use any other provider other than Sky with their boxes. They disable the 5Ghz band.

Ive noticed that when trying to connect phones due to 2.4ghz isnt strong enough and losing wifi signals.
And no option for the 5g signal so now have to wait another 2 weeks till sky gets cut off to change to the 5g signal.
Wished i stayed with sky if i knew this i wouldn’t have bothered going for faster speeds.

I came here to say the same - my experience with the Sky Q boxes connected over wifi is that they are terrible - the slightest drop in connection and I’ve had to reset the box in order for it to reconnect. I’ve ended up positioning one of my mesh nodes near to the Sky Q box and just running an ethernet cable to the Sky box, that’s been much better.

I should also mention that I was with Sky for broadband prior to taking up Yayzi. The Sky Q box will disable the option to connect over 5Ghz if you aren’t connecting directly to the Sky Hub. I was using a set of mesh nodes with Sky broadband and having them handle WiFi and didn’t have the option of connecting over 5Ghz.

They do something similar with 4K as well - that option is only reserved for the pricier Sky Q packages.

Sky is directed to the yayzi router from the ethernet cable.
But like you said the 5ghz turns off but really this should stay on if directly to the router not wifi
But now all my smart phones running on the 2
4ghz due.to the 5ghz isnt coming on the wifi options only tplink extender and the 4g option and drop outs.
Think i would get the option for the ip static so all devices run on the same ip adress