Virgin Media vs Yayzi

Not unless you’re breaking their code of practice, then you’ll risk being cut off and blacklisted.

Good luck :+1:


I’ve been careful with the wording :wink:

No admission of jamming 3rd party gubbins into their networking and hoping for the best :laughing:

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Do you want my leaflets too?

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I’d be suprised if they gave you any info.

Whereabouts (roughly) do you live?

West Midlands, somewhere near Birmingham.

Based on both of the Calix ONTs I’ve got I’m definitely in a GPON area (not XGS)

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I don’t think you get an upgraded ONT unless you’re actually on a package requiring it. Though actually, no that wouldn’t make any sense so nevermind.

State 3 is serial related though - it’s nothing to do with password. So something is up with that.

Yeah, I’ve given it another shot today with the FSAN in place of the serial but no dice.

Did you need to do any conversions to/from HEX/ASCII with your serial or was it just throwing the full alphanumeric in ‘plain text’ from the back of your ONT into set_serial_number xxx?

Plain text

No luck yet with CF, I’ve just received this reply but have not been told explicitly not to use a 3rd party device (nor that it’s impossible to do so) :sweat_smile:

Yayzi can’t support directly (not that I expected them to be allowed to)

So the time has come to return my SFP to :pensive:

Very strange that the CF network is fussier in the Midlands than it is elsewhere in the UK… I wonder if it’s down to a different combination of equipment in different areas or if @T9537 had to slip a fiver to the CF crew :rofl:

Edit: this thread could probably use a more accurate name now that it’s turned into me sulking about ONTs :laughing::laughing:

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I’m in the midlands so don’t think it’s that. But yeah, i’ve looked everywhere. SN, Mac etc is all that’s required even on VM’s network (See my other post about it now being possible on VM). Maybe it’s something to do with firmware or something, not 100% sure but in your case it’s deffo related to the S/N

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Ah yeah found the VM post, cool to see it working there (I could always try other modules that are out there)

That’s the next problem, there’s so many ways of doing it. It’s possible, just got to fully understand how and why mines working but yours isn’t.

Keep it :eyes:


I’m all ears :ear::wink::ear:

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Well that shut a lot of people up… :eyes: :grin:

Wouldn’t it be sitting A president If they assist Nexus in getting this working though? While city fibre didn’t explicitly say no, I have a feeling that they wouldn’t like it

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We’re saying nothing further and we won’t support anything officially :slightly_smiling_face:

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How To Bypass AT&T Fiber BGW320 w/ WAS-110 SFP+ (

Looks like it is possible around the world, so should work here, but this says it’s XGS-PON only, so maybe it’s that, idk

It’s a very expensive paperweight at the moment so I can’t justify keeping it unless it’ll magically work the next time I plug it in :wink:

So with this in mind, I think people should read between the lines and leave things as they are…

Some clever logic is required here.

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