Virgin Media vs Yayzi

I’ve pulled the trigger & ordered a custom GPON SFP :grin: (This one :link:)

Should arrive by the end of July, I’ve checked the transmit/receive power against the spec sheet of the Calix ONT and everything’s matching up nicely.

Fingers crossed for a smooth install and a lovely clean looking rack :sparkles:

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If having the Gpon stuck on a wall, instead you could, add the inline SC connector to the fibre (basically extending the fibre) and terminate it in a loft or cab and connecting the ethernet via a 50cm patch lead or similar to the router, maybe that’s a way around it.

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Let us know how it goes, was that the one I mentioned?

Oh god, i’ve missed a lot. This is what happens when i forget to check the forums :joy:


I’m not going to publically link the product, but i believe Aydan did.

You can clone the MAC and Serial itself, using SSH. Or you can order it preconfigured to your spec.

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As Nexus pointed out, i’m using the FS module.

Correct, it marks it as 10GB. I believe this is more of a bug though.

Management, yes. Breaking the fibre? never in a million years.

Exactly correct.

Yeah, and this is where it gets grey. T&C’s state you can’t even move their cables, router, etc etc. Can’t touch any of it. I don’t see any judge in the country upholding this as reasonable, what if i move house? :joy: Or want to paint the wall the ONT is mounted to, etc etc.

It’s not just support, it’s compliance and regulations. But yes, exactly.

I’m yet to see a single post from anyone being blacklisted from CityFibre’s network for using this sort of equipment, and i’ve searched Reddit high and low. I’d imagine a more likely approach is an email or letter to say “Hey, we know you’re doing this, please stop or we’ll terminate your connection”.

This is very well put. Maybe the most relevant part of all of this is that, on my street, i’m the only CityFibre customer. When they did my install they showed me the green cabinet and there was one single fibre cable, mine. So maybe that’s why there hasn’t been any issues yet?

Great! If you need any help or advice, give me a shout. That is the correct stick btw also, sorry it took me so long to reply to your DM.

For me, it wasn’t cable mess or anything like that. It was the ONT taking up another ethernet port and power socket, and the fact i’ve ran fibre to my computer. It’s nice to be able to say i have a 100% fibre connection to the internet. My setup has no copper (Excluding the obvious products in my house using ethernet for example).


General ONU/ONT question for Yayzi/CityFibre :eyes:

It looks like the FS ONT stick can take serial, MAC & password. I’ve not had any joy getting past activation state O3 (ref :link:) so far.

:question: Does anyone know what password I could pass to authenticate with the CityFibre network? :grin: (possibly just serial again?)

[   36.328000] [onu] serial number: **[REDACTED]**
[   36.656000] [onu] password: 0000000000
[   36.836000] [onu] GPHY Firmware loaded into RAM (phy11g.bin)
[   37.052000] [onu] PE[255] firmware loaded v9.90.6.1

Maybe @T9537 knows as his is working apparently

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Try password123 :grin::+1:


Did you give FS the serial or you doing it yourself?

The device has a serial (on the SFP side) but I’m trying to authenticate on the GPON by taking the details of the back of my Calix ONT box :grin:

Can you just use a blank password?

I’m guessing that 0000000000 is the equivalent of blank in this context? I’ll see if I can properly clear it out tomorrow at some point

If you’re stuck at State 3, that means there is something wrong with the serial - it’s nothing to do with a password.

I didn’t need a password for mine and State 5 indicates a password issue anyway.

To set the serial, run: set_serial_number YOURSERIALHERE
To make sure you’ve set it correctly, run: fw_printenv | grep nSerial

Then do MAC:

uci set
uci commit

Once done, reboot the stick using “reboot”

You may also need to mimic ONT model information, i can’t remember if i did that with mine or not but lets ensure mac and serial is correct first.

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I’m throwing in the towel. I’ve scoured the internet for every GPON/ONT resource, tried every suggestion & command I could find and I never get past state 3.

nSerial always matches the “Serial” on my Calix ONT but I’m stuck with state 3.

I gave up on the password side of things & threw it back to 0’s. The host MAC matches the back of my ONT too.

Been down the ‘rabbit hole’ of sfp_i2c -i ... settings too but none of those options have impacted things either :see_no_evil:

My final final thought is asking FS for a fresh unit instead of the custom one I went for (thinking it would save me the hours I’ve ended up spending with my faffing :rofl: :sob:) in order to rule out this being a dud unit or some config going a bit wonky somewhere along the line… But I’m not going to hold my breath on that being a solution.

If you’re confident that setting the serial & host MAC is the only config needed then doing it myself with a fresh unit should definitively show if this is possible in my area or not @T9537 :smiley: (The ONT model info seems to only affect the SFP eeprom(?) side of things aka. what model/serial is shown to my Unifi gear as opposed to what’s sent back to the OLT)

On the plus side, it’s been cool to run some fibre through my walls & ceiling :grin: :hammer: Discovering FS has been great and troubleshooting this has been a nice way to learn about what makes GPON tick.

I will reply back to you, it will just be tomorrow now. However;

State 3 is a serial issue. My only guess is the ONU isn’t recognising the serial or it’s not correct or something. I’m not entirely sure.

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Got some free stuff to burn/recycle this morning

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It will be good for winter, virgin no doubt will be next

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I’ve reached out to Cityfibre to ask their techs about SFP GPON modules :grin:
Unlikely to get much traction but it never hurts to ask