Voip City Fiber 900mb

Morning all, Do you provide VOIP on your lines with City Fiber.



We don’t, yet. But we are looking to introduce this in the next few weeks.

Yayzi Support Team

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Afternoon Team. Im getting my Garden Blocpaved this week. So when i get my order in to install the fiber they will have to dig up the paving. Would it be ok to put some conduit in so they can pull the fiber through that

Hey Darren!

That’s a good idea, they will certainly be happy to pull through the conduit.

Yayzi Support Team

Any preference on size or colour ?

Im thinking maybe 20mm in Black. Will that be okay Yayzi ? Need to now as block paving starts Tuesday. Thanks


20mm would be perfect, no preference on colour. Can you get a nice Yayzi bluey green colour? Haha!

Yayzi Support Team