What Latency Can I Expect?

Hello, it would be nice to see what latency I could expect on Yayzi before joining, so if anyone is able to provide their ping or a traceroute so I can see what performance I could expect that would be great. And it’s always useful to know what CityFibre location you’re in also, thanks :slight_smile:

It’s the only thing holding me back from switching over as there’s no results provided anywhere that I can see at the moment & low latency & jitter is most important to me :frowning:

Thank you

Hi Ionide,

We just replied to your ISPreview post, but our average latency is round 4ms at the moment, hopefully we may have some customers who can share their results but I’ll speak to our network guys and try and get some data for you.

Yayzi Support Team


Thank you yep, I’ve just seen it, have replied there, thank you! :slight_smile:

Same story for me I’m very concerned with low latency and jitter. I still have my Openreach FTTP which is very solid, and my Cityfibre line was supposed to be provisioned yesterday, but unfortunately while all the cabling is in, the service isn’t working yet. Once I have both lines up and running it was my intention to post some comparisons.

Is there anyway to get some latency metrics on the Status Page to the various locations listed?

For example the metrics don’t show for Coventry, and it says it was last checked 126 days ago. I assume that’s why the metrics don’t show. Maybe their latency metrics, but since no locations I looked at are showing anything and showing last checked 126 days ago, I can’t really say.

Absolutely! I’ll get the team to add some live metrics.

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Might wanna repost these without your IP address in them!

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Hey, any update this this? Would be amazing to see pings from each CityFibre location as mentioned above.

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Relying to Peter. I just removed as editing on this forum is … strange.
Here with sensitive info removed.

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Looks good though, here’s mine:

When gaming mine hovers around 7-10ms. With zero packet loss

I’m East Midlands area if that helps.

Couldn’t locate a relevant topic for it, but here’s Virgin Vs Yayzi (new customer)


Noticed a marked improvement in ping times out to the wider internet as of 5th July :eyes:

Smokeping result from my NAS to Google’s primary DNS :face_in_clouds:

All of the sites I’m pinging have had roughly the same drop with no config changes on my end :grin: Based in the Midlands.

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I seem to be around 7-8ms (hard to tell from TBB). Bournemouth area.

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Bring back dial up, the buzz words for ,2024 ping times and latency :grin:

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Hopefully not this latency I’m getting…:grin: Tonight

Oh yeah… ouch, didn’t seem to last long though