Yayzi online gaming and 4K/UHD streaming performance?

Getting Pro installed (static IP, 2Gb/1Gb GPON, might be 1.2Gb at first) and the younger members of the household are asking about gaming.

How is Yayzi (ping/reliability) for online gaming, games such as, Final Fantasy, WoW, Battlefield EA/Steam, Star Citizen etc. in comparision to BT FTTP?

And how is 4K/UHD streaming from Netflix, Disney+, Prime, YouTube, BBC etc.?

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My post here covers routing (ping) and speedtests vs. an already very decent BT line - Yayzi vs. BT FTTP Speeds & Routing

In short, it’s going to be fine, routing is very good to major service providers.

Honestly gaming with Yayzi is a total nightmare. Regular disconnects/drops while DHCP struggles to renew. Gaming for me has gone from an evening destress to a total anxiety ridden terror session as there’s just zero reliability. Just go somewhere else, honestly.

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Hi Ben,

We’ve seen absolutely no network dropouts on your connection for the last 7 days, except for tonight which was an issue on our network.

We’d love to investigate this further and try and resolve this for you and I can see you emailed about an hour ago, I have responded to that so hopefully we can get this sorted for you pretty quickly.

Yayzi Support Team