149.18.87. address is geolocated in US

149.18.86.xx is also showing as being in New York. Can’t access wwe network (who keep accusing me of using a VPN when I haven’t), channel 4’s app and Hotstar.

While I understand you guys are looking into this and sorting it I just need to say that this is really poor service. I’m back at work tomorrow and worried that my work laptop may not be able to connect to it’s VPN again. These are not the kind of things I should be worried about. I’ve had more issues in the 3 months I’ve been with you than the 10+ years I was with Sky. Are we locked in on our contracts or is there scope for us to potentially terminate the contract early?

I’m aware I’m coming across as a wet blanket but the amount of shite this causes me is ridiculous.

also having the same problem now some services think I’m in New Jersey, USA

These are all part of the same range guys, as you can see from the update above it’s being sorted. We’re not just "looking into it’s we’ve looked, and we’ve acted and we continue to act to get this resolved.

Unfortunately we really don’t have any control over the databases here. We just have to make sure they’re up to date and if there are any issues we raise them immediately.

If there are specific apps or websites you’re having issues with, let us know and we can get it sorted.

Wwe Network, 4OD, Hotstar.

Hi Guys,

Happy Easter, I found that is was pointing to the New Jersey Servers via Ookla Speed Test and then did some digging, also my banking is alway requesting verification, for even small amounts, I suppose never a bad thing when using Wifi.

I have found this site quite useful IP Address Lookup | Geolocation (iplocation.net) as there are two database’s still showing that some addresses are still in the US New Jersey they are currently ipgeolocation.io and ipbase.com, these are in the process of being updated as some of the information is pointing to Yayzi just not the geo location. I am sure once this is updated then the routes will be fine.

It is strange that two databases seem to effect quite a few things as the other 6 databases are pointing to Blackpool UK. My VPN thinks the best smart location should be New Jersey-1, does anyone have a hierarchical structure for the geo databases, so we can see what priority these take place?

I am still getting over 1.4Gb download so my kids are still happy playing online and streaming and I am sure that it will be back to the 2Gb in no time.



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Its not a hierarchy as such, media providers, financial institutions and the like are risk averse, they may use more than one database as they are often repackaged by other threat mitigation tools/service providers who get paid a lot of money to manage risk, along with ranges that should be blocked because of other reasons, eg they have been associated with a VPN provider or service hosting questionable services, hacking and bot nets etc. Ironically using a VPN is the short term fix for this sort of thing, but they are one of the obvious reasons to have ranges banned.

Basically you need to not be on any of them to avoid this, once you aren’t, its plain sailing generally, but getting a 3rd party to update its database when they get paid to make sure they don’t allow connections from questionable sources often takes time, and they are under no real obligation to do it quickly.

We’ve found the issue guys, so Maxmind have incorrectly updated their database, we’ve just gone back to get this reversed :slight_smile:


I am also on this range - 149.18.87.xx.

Having issues with National Lottery (whole of https://www.national-lottery.co.uk/ is not accessible) and bizarrely the account login & payment pages of Screwfix (e,g. https://www.screwfix.com/loginpage) if you haven’t seen those being blocked before now.

Any ETA on when it will be corrected and will our connections disconnect at any point while this is being updated?

It’s an external database run by a 3rd party company, it has nothing to do with your connection dropping :+1:

Okay good as I cannot have my connection drop while working again.

Yes i am getting issues with sites also.

My fortigate firewall is seeing my IP range located in the US.


Are all these ranges being updated and going to be made static, if so how long?

So fortigate has been updated about an hour or so ago, just got an email confirmation.

So yeah they will all be updated and made static


I did a reboot of the ONT at 8 and the fortigate shortly after. Let me check them now. If still the same I will your commands.

So can confirm the flag has changed to UK now on my fortigate on the dashboard.

National lottery website still not working though.

Will the IP assigned to me now stay static or is that issue still ongoing?

Mine is now showing me as being in blackpool but yeah still unable to access all the sites I’ve been having trouble with so far :(.

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We’re awaiting two more databases to update, hopefully that should resolve your problem but we also have stuff in progress with those services directly



No, but Sky is my only remaining problem fortinet updated so Wife is sorted. I rang sky but they basically said its my problem (Yayzi’s problem). Its pathetic that this takes so long to fix in this day and age but i know its out of your hands.

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I have not been able to use the natural lottery app since the first outage I have to use next doors Wi-Fi or cellular and I’m still showing as New Jersey

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