149.18.87. address is geolocated in US

So I’ve just watched a programme on the NOW TV app, it finished and then told me it couldn’t play the next episode because I’m not in the UK. I don’t know what these guys are doing for you @Yayzi_Liam @Yayzi_Team but they’re making you look like a one man band outfit that doesn’t have a clue. 2 Business days!? So they’ll be compensating you and you’ll be compensating your customers for effective loss of access to their service? Don’t misunderstand, I am happy as a customerbecause you’re not Virgin Media or Sky, but these teething problems are now having an impact on my family and their mental well being, My children are autistic and simly don’t understand why they cannot watch their programmes, PLEASE PLEASE get this fixed asap :pray:


So it worked, and then decided it didn’t want to work. That is really bloody annoying! You have my word that we are on this and we are chasing the companies that deal with the geo location databases

Attached are screenshots. Our IP address says one thing when looked up to what the router says. Channel 4 isn’t working and NOW TV has also disappeared after being fine. @Yayzi_Team @Yayzi_Liam I beg you for my wife and myself and our sanity please please fix this asap! Having 4, yes 4, autistic children meltdown is armageddon for us.

My5 can be added to the list :sob:

The 13. address concerns me because that isn’t one of ours, you don’t have any VPN’s or anything running on the network anywhere?

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No, I am not technical at all!

Norton VPN runs on this laptop. I just switched it off…


I’m sure this must have been noticed already but one of the db’s looks to have been updated incorrectly

City: Blackpool
Country: US

Yeah I’m having this issue

Same here :(. Haven’t been able to use my main streaming services since the new ips were assigned :(.

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same here.

I thought this was fixed???

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Getting the same on MaxMind

Perhaps it’s because it’s inheriting the location from the parent /16 LogicWeb/Cogent block?

Just had an email from WWE Network who said they’re going to attempt to whitelist my IP address but this won’t take effect from Tuesday at the earliest :(. Means I need to explain to the kids why they can’t watch WrestleMania, something they’ve been looking forward to for months and will most likely have it spoilt for them. Hotstar still don’t have a clue what they’re doing. 4oD still has same issues.

Yayzi, is there any scope for some of us to look for another ISP and cancel our contract with yourselves? I’m not someone who works in IT so I’m not the most technical but what I do know is, I shouldn’t have to message companies individually to tell them that I am in the UK. I don’t want to leave but this Geolocation rubbish is just causing too many problems.

Disregard this, it’s just started working as it should so thank you for getting it sorted. Now please upgrade my services :slight_smile:

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Mine is now fully working too. 25 days that took, from the widespread outage to fully working. If Yayzi were part of the OFCOM promise system we’d be entitled to a hefty chunk of compensation…

Sadly not - The voluntary code (which almost no CF based ISP’s subscribe to (those reselling BT//CF often exclude CF) wouldn’t cover anything here as it only kicks in after the first two working days, most of us were 38hrs without service. Also no provision for 3rd party services blocking you.

Read it for yourself: Here.

I did read it, plus OFCOM’s website, and I disagree with you. We had a total loss of service, so the timer starts. OFCOM’s website then states:

“you would be entitled to compensation if…Your service has stopped working and it is not fully fixed after two full working days.”

Fully fixed is the important bit there, as Yayzi decided to switch everyone from IPv4 to IPv6 during the outage, putting a number of us on IPs that hadn’t been properly geo configured, leading to us not being able to access various websites and use various apps fully. OFCOM’s website also says:

“Unless a specific exception applies, the scheme requires signatories to pay automatic compensation to customers when the problem is caused by an event beyond a customer’s, or the provider’s control. Examples include extreme weather, strikes and third-party acts.”

That reads to me as though it would include Maxmind/Cogent not sorting their database quickly enough, as those are 3rd Party Acts and the CP is still liable.

When I was geoblocked last year, Yayzi just switched me to a different IP block and the problem was gone. I requested the same this time on multiple occassions but nobody ever replied to the request, so it wasn’t entirely outside of Yayzi’s power to fix, they chose not to.

All moot of course as Yayzi aren’t in the scheme, but I do think that they would have been liable for 25 days at £9.76 per day if they had.

Funny thing, we’re still waiting for Yayzi to roll out IPv6, so i’m not sure you’re right on that either. Understandably people want static IPv4’s fixed first (rebooted again today and got the same IP back as before :partying_face:)

As someone who has spent more time than I care to think about meeting with and dealing with OFCOM auditors in my former professional life, I read it quite differently. The examples you quote are based on not attending or resolving a total loss of service fault or carrying out an install due to sickness/strike/weather and vandalism/damage or the failure of a sub contractor (eg outsourced installers/construction/permitting for road/path closures etc. etc.) which is clearly cause for compensation. It’s not stating that if you can’t access a particular service or site because the owners choose to block you that you have a fault or a TLOS and you are due compensation. They specifically point out that items not covered would fall into the unclassified discretionary compensation that each ISP decides themselves at the start of the document I linked to.

Stop and think about it for a moment, if it worked as you think, content providers would have the ability to hold ISP’s to ransom, BT Group was circa 21m broadband customers last I looked, multiply that by the daily rate for a week if Sky withdrew streaming services for non Sky IP’s and all hell would break loose… automatically. Heck nobody not on Virgin Media’s network can use it’s free streaming service and that’s gone on since launch well over a year ago, by your logic every virgin TV customer on a non Virgin ISP who has signed up is due automatic compensation since the second working day after launch, yet it’s not made any of the usual media outlets, I wonder why? I mean in this day and age, people must be queueing up to get £9 odd a day for nothing, right? Heck, i’d even have free VM TV if they paid me £3.562.40 a year not to use it.

In your world my bank balance would be better off short term, but we’d have no internet as nobody would be willing to provide a connection. It just doesn’t, and was never intended to work like that.

That makes a lot of sense, and is probably the way it works vs my expectation, but I can’t get past “fully fixed” and wonder if the OFCOM scheme is missing this scenario whereby a partial loss of service exists beyond, and separate to, the fixing of the initial fault. There seems to be at least 2 ways to logic this that lead to different outcomes:
Total loss fault occurs > ISP repair fault > Is fault fully fixed = yes = end of issue.
Total loss fault occurs > ISP repair fault > Is service fully restored = no = persistence of issue.

The OFCOM documents don’t consider the situation where the initiating fault is fully fixed, but the service is not fully restored. I’m not sure whether it should, but I read the OFCOM consultation document that led to the scheme being created and it feels like their intention is for the service restoration to be the driver, but as you point out, the actual wording leads more towards the fault being fixed as the driver.

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