149.18.87. address is geolocated in US

Unfortunately you’re right, the OFCOM code was really only ever intended to bring in minimum standards for failed installs and total loss of service, it doesn’t cover reduced levels of service really eg slow speeds, higher latency, poor peering, routing or blocking issues etc. though you do have potentially other avenues to deal with those in some cases if you wish to leave an ISP, and in most cases they’re going to look at the time/agro involved and just wish you well as it’s the cheapest option rather than argue.

Still having this is issue, it’s not too much of an issue but would like to be back in the UK is there anything that can be done or just wait it out?

Either wait, or use a 3rd party service to bypass the geo-location issue such as a VPN or similar, just as those abroad often do to watch content for free (this is why iPlayer etc. now requires registration when it historically didn’t).

Hi @Yayzi_Liam, here’s another reporting incorrectly - IPligence Geolocation Services, IP location of visitors

Location for me is showing UK now.

However, a lot of sites still think i am located in the US.
National lottery, CV library not working
speedtest.net keeps reporting me in the US still. If i manually select a server in the uk i get terrible speeds

Anyone else getting this?


Looks like my IP is not static either

Channel 4 is working fine, but loads of sites like Banggood, Aliexpress etc think I’m in the USA still.


My website is blocking me from accessing as Cloudflare is detecting i am from USA

Although one database updates, it doesn’t mean all have, and there is no recognised standard for authority on this, so for example an anti-fraud/threat prevention service may pull data from multiple geo-location databases, if you are on one as US and they’re being paid to block anything non UK, then you’re non UK till they all agree. You have the database to update, it’s clients to pull that update, and the end user services (such as the banks/online stores and streaming services) to then pull that data. In simple terms, it’s going to take a while and even after the databases are all updated, it’ll still be a while after that before the websites all reflect that.

@Yayzi_Team how about a pinned thread thread that users can post databases that are causing them issues and you can edit/update progress to show when info was submitted and if more has been requested/you’ve chased etc. I imagine you probably have something with exactly this behind the scenes anyway, but it would give users a clearer picture of what is happening rather than 10 threads that stem from the outage rumbling on. Obviously feel free to tell me to get back ion my box and be quiet :smiley:


So from what you saying it is a waiting game for all this to just work…

Assuming all the databases that require updating have been requested, then yes.

@Yayzi_Team do we have a timescale for this to happen?

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Our IP says location is Blackpool now, but nothing works. To quote Harry “This is some bullshit!”.


Yeah still looks like the same DB’s showing as the US, think the worst bit is the only work around is basically paying for a VPN or using a dodgy free one.

So I am joining in 2 days time, does this only impact existing customers or new ones too? or is it unknown/potluck?

I have Surfshark which I can use VPN Client on my Unifi Cloud gateway if needed, but I hopefully won’t have to - thankfully my work does not block connections from the USA, so hopefully won’t be needed

Impossible to answer because it depends on what you are connecting to, if that service uses geo-blocking and who the service provider uses to source geo-blocking data from.

For some of us, it’s a total non event that we won’t even be aware of, for others it’s a significant inconvenience bordering on a deal breaker.


Thanks for replying, I meant to reply yesterday, but I got rate limited

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Looks like Cloudflare is working as it should now.

My site is accessible.

speeds are looking a lot better as well. Upload, slacking a bit.

Just this static IP issue now.

Who do we have to chat too now to get a static one??? @Yayzi_Staff

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Ive just tried channel 4 via the app from my mobile which was blocking now i’m able to stream

We’ve just been waiting for these issues to be resolved, so we will start making these static now over the next 48 hours for you all :slightly_smiling_face: appreciate everyone’s patience, and obviously any other services you have issues with please let me know!

That’s still a lot better upload than Virgin Media, unless you’re on XGS-PON and pay the EXTRA £6 a month for symmetrical

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