Change DNS on TP link EX230V

Hi there,

I went live yesterday and I was looking to change the default DNS on the router that was supplied (TP link EX230V).

It appears to be currently set to which is google’s DNS. I want to use quad 9 or Cloudflare. But I cant see how to change it?

I dont use the router myself, but do you see something similar?

Failing that, its likely under LAN > DHCP and within there. I’m sure someone will post exact instructions soon if you can’t find it

I dont see the same as you:


There’s a space there for primary and secondary DNS but its set to zero’s, and changing it and saving doesn’t seem to do anything.

Thats odd, theres not even a default gateway set to hand out over dhcp, anyones guess how your clients are routing to the Internet, if you dont’t have the gateway hard set in each client specifying it. Or you’re using another DHCP server somewhere?

If no one comes along shortly i’ll fire my TPLink up and have a look.

what mine looks like

The router seems to be handing out addresses just fine, everythings connecting fine to it.

I don’t have any other networking equipment. It’s standard router and my WiFi devices.

I believe Yayzi have the capability to remote access routers via Aginet. It’s almost like the firmware has gone wonky. I’d raise with Yayzi if you’ve tried a factory reset etc.

I haven’t factory reset because I didn’t want to lose the yayzi settings, I don’t know how to reconfigure it.

You shouldnt lose anything. It will just reload the current firmware, they are plug and play. I’ll let @Yayzi_Team confirm though!

This is true! :slight_smile:

If you have the EX820v router then try this.

Click the modify

Click advanced

Change there and then click ok

Edit: Just noticed in the title you have the EX230v, not sure if yours will look the same then.

Here is what I can see.

Advanced status page, see the primary DNS set to, but no option to modify here.

Under network, I have an EWAN option, under that I can click on modify, but no option to change DNS here either.

Under LAN settings there is a section for primary and secondary DNS but its set to zeros, and changing and saving it doesnt do anything.

images not showing

Is Imgur not allowed here or something? The images show up when I add the post but then vanish.

Try again.

Advanced status page, see the primary DNS set to, but no option to modify here.

Under network, I have an EWAN option, under that I can click on modify, but no option to change DNS here either.

Under LAN settings there is a section for primary and secondary DNS but its set to zeros, and changing and saving it doesnt do anything.

Tick the box below to enable it

Thank you!

Blimey they don’t make it easy to find do they.

Even so, when I went in to that page the settings were showing zeros. But changing it has changed it on the main status page.

How do I check from windows that the correct DNS is being used?

Open CMD from the start menu. Then in the black command box type:

ipconfig /all

it will list current dns servers being used

If its not updated yet, in the same command prompt type:
ipconfig /release
and then
ipconfig /renew

Again run:
ipconfig /all
And it should of updated the dns servers.

Doesnt seem to work I just see this in ipconfig:

DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::9a25:4aff:fe42:88a1%18

That should be correct, you are pointing your client (Windows) at your router, your router is then using Quad 9s as it’s upstream DNS lookups. Essentially your PC is using quad 9s but it first goes to your router.

If you want your clients on your network to not use your router, you will need to configure it in DHCP or set manual DNS entries in each client (Painful)

I have just powered mine on, tested it and it works fine.


to Quad 9s

It saved fine.

If you can’t get the DNS entries to save in DHCP, your first port of call would be to factory reset as I mentioned above, Yayzi themselves confirmed it’s safe to do.