Internet connection Gone again?

Mine Internet connection has gone now again

What now are you guys doing?

Read the announcements.

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Same, just dropped here

Yes, announcement covers this

The announcement doesn’t appear to have a timestamp - any idea when this started/will end?

A few minutes let’s see how long a few minutes becomes

Ye think everyone one off but been longer than a few moments I think

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Imagine if this drops everyone’s connection for days

Well done mine is back

Maybe they’re starting up North and making their way down to us Southerners :joy:

Mine still down been 5mins plus

Mine is back too


Just waiting. Using mobile to check the update.

Absolutely fed up with this company, how long is a few moments?

Still waiting…

South and srill waiting

Still got same problem on the old network, get an IP and access for about 60 seconds then dropped

East mids. still down.

Couldn’t this be done at 2am like normal ISPs do…when we are SLEEPING


Yes midlands still waiting I’m gonna adopt this few moments when my missis asks me to do something