Ip address located in Edison USA Blocking on demand services

Please help… i can’t access 4 OD 4001-stream-geoblock

I’m meant to have a static ip address, however it appears to have changed since i last had this issue and I’m back to being listed as located in usa!!

My ip address range is 149.18

@Yayzi_Staff @Yayzi_Team


@Hunterjmh If you’re on a static IP address, you can set this manually in the router to prevent the IP from changing.


I couldn’t work out how to post on that thread

Thankyou for that :slight_smile:

Very soon we will have our own access to apply statics, rather than sending over to our network team, it will be a lot smoother and faster.

We are still awaiting a last few geo databases to update, Unfortunately this process is not lightning fast, but we are hoping for it to be resolved pretty soon now.

We have done everything we possibly can from our end now and we have to allow these providers to update their databases. We are constantly chasing up on our side, even if it is the same response each time, it is indeed an honest response.

All the best for now :slight_smile:

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I’ve just been given a new IP address in 149 ends 32 and now every site thinks I’m in US (new jersey)

Can’t access any on demand and weirdly can’t access British gas either @Yayzi_Team could somebody have a quick look please

Hello Khile

Could you check to see if the site now works.


Nope can’t access British Gas or utility warehouse (tried sorting my parents utilits and can’t access via Yayzi) on demand seems to be working bbc/4od

Few sites still showing IP address as being in new jersey

What sites are these if you don’t mind me asking?

https://ifconfig.co/ shows as me as new jersey

Same here. First time ive seen 141 reported in the US

The IETF/IAB should mandate root authority geo DB servers, kinda the same way dns works. Have 3 or 4 authorities that frequently pulls, or isp push location data from the geo feed file hosted in the isp domain.

Onus is then on the isp to update their geo feed file with new or removed blocks.

Its a mess in its current state.