Migration - Why, who asked for it, when will it end?

Just been migrated, running a few checks etc. I notice that I don’t seem to be picking up an IPv6 address anymore, and just wanted to remind you @Yayzi_Team to enable / switch over too when you get chance.

IPv6 will be enabled once the migration has been completed :slightly_smiling_face:


Iranian IP addresses is pretty alarming! I work for the government and our IT policy is to immediately suspend accounts and devices that are identified as coming from outside the UK… I think Iran might get me on some sort of list :rofl:

I’m guessing asking for a delay to my own migration and then retain my current IP is not possible?

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They’re not Iranian IP (They’re RIPE)- We’ve purchased them, and it looks like a couple of databases just need a more direct contact, which we’ve done.

All services except eBay and TIkTok are working, but we’ve been told they’ll be resolved fairly quickly. Any issues we’re jumping straight on them so you should be okay.

A delay isn’t possible at this stage :slight_smile:



Has your latency improved since migrating to the new network?

Nope, not in the slightest.

And download speeds today have been down by over a quarter:

And on top of that I’m getting a few geo-location issues. I think I’ll be requesting a move back to my previous 141.11.200.* static IP.

Well that’s hugely disappointing, so much for all the talk about the new network reducing latency!

Sorry, but you haven’t purchased them at all.

The new IP ranges are leased from a (shady at best) broker called IPXO.

The real owner/leaser of the IP ranges is another shady at best company based in Dubai:


See “Registered to” on the above link.


The owner/leaser of the range can also give you a couple of months notice and kick you off the range if they want to sell the address space, so good luck with that!

The IP’s have probably been leased out and re-cycled a bunch of times hence all of the Geolocation issues. Why lie about purchasing them?

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Hmm, that is indeed worrying. A ton of grief for no reward. Hope it’s just a temporary and fixable issue.

IPXO is 100% not shady at all. It used by a hell of a lot of ISPs.

Thanks for fixing it - back in the UK again

IPXO is not shady, sorry, purchase was the incorrect word. We’ve got long term leases as there are no IPv4 available, except to purchase or to lease, the other option is CGNAT.

As we explained you’re also likely to see spikes while we’re moving customers over.


Just received an email telling me that my speed is going to be reduced to 250mb for a week, or maybe more, the usual “we hope to have it completed by this time” vagueness that I’ve come to see is the usual from yayzi.

So since I’m only getting 10% of the speed that I’m paying for, will my bill be reduced by 90% for that week? Because if not, I think I’ll be moving to another company.


Oy, you’ve got my address then!!!

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Exactly what I was just typing, this is getting stupid now, upgrades been going on now since what… back end of October, it’s now December, everyone has had geo location issues, spikes and laggy connections… when’s it going to end… what problem will you come up with next it’s going to take you months to fix
I and the other members here are paying for a service we are not receiving, myself a quarter now of what I subscribe to, the members on 2+ gb connection well their not going to be happy are they.
Don’t come back with “it’ll be better after” because I’m guessing it won’t.
You need to compensate your customers for all this interruption of service, lower than guaranteed service and just down right crap customer service as a provider

Your even breaking your own terms of service!!!


Yep om on the top package. Can’t believe I’ve left virgin media for this.

First it’s traffic shaping at peak hours, which virgin never did on the 1gb plan. Now I’ll be getting a quarter of the speed I got on virgin and only 10% of the speed I actually pay for!

If I’d known any of this was about to happen a couple of weeks after I’d joined I would have gone with idnet to start with.

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Guys. This is just while the migration is happening. We sent this in the first initial email that’s we’d be traffic shaping during this time. We’re moving a customer over every minute. We’re just ensuring that we don’t cause you any issues. We’ve given a full timeline of events, exactly what is happening when, and for how long.

4 days and all this is completed and speeds will be back to normal.


Completely accept Yayzi position on this and I can work with this reduction for 5 days or whatever BUT if it carries on after that I will leave I’m afraid guys. Had enough now.

Grief getting connected to start with lost connection for nearly 2 weeks, spikes all over the gaff, bad IP address blocked from certain sites and platforms, had enough now.


Can’t believe I’ve left virgin media for this.

Never have I ever been giving a reason for an outage with any ISP before Yayzi. Virgin media have been especially useless in my previous experiences with them.

Yes it sucks that speed might be ‘low’ for a few days. But that beats no internet which another CF ISP didn’t mind offering me with no explanation :face_with_peeking_eye:

The level of transparency from Yayzi exists from seldom few companies. For that I am grateful.

(Not attempting to change anyone’s opinion here or speculate on individual reliance on a given speed/latency)