No Internet After Install - you need to activate my line

I did not think this would be this complicated.

I have just had Cityfibre finish their install. I have 4 lights on my ONT, but no internet. CityFibre said all is setup from their end. I just need to contact Yayzi and ask them to initiate a download to my ONT to activate my service with you. There is no way to contact you. Please you need to to do this. I have no internet. CityFibre are gone. It says on my Wifi page for my Yayzi router “Cannot provide Internet” I have tried my old router too and same issue. Please activate my service.

I have requested call backs and submitted tickets that both say someone will respond in an hour. Nobody has.

My account page says the service is completed. With service ID: YAYZI01999-P-1693501366

However it then says for the router it says internet is “offline” with no Wan IP on my account page and no serial there for the router… It also gives a fixed Lan IP of This is not the Lan IP of the router you gave me. They use

You need to please activate my account.

Edit … 6Hrs in and all support tickets, requests for call back, emails. All ignored and no service. It is now 4pm. I need my internet for work over the weekend. I did not think you would do this to me here. This is not good enough in any way! You need to activate my damned line!

Hope they reply and sort this out for you soon. Obviously it should have been all sorted for you today but personally I would never do an install like this without overlap with my existing connection.

Glad I always do that because my install was supposed to be 13:00 - 18:00 today and it looks like they aren’t going to show up.

So they have turned off my working talk talk internet to switch me over to Yayzi that doesn’t work. I have been out of internet all day since 9am and it doesn’t look like i will be getting internet at all this weekend now. This is not acceptable in anyway to be without internet for 3 to 4 days!

Hi Anthony,

We have our tech guys working on this for you, it looks like there was an issue when switching over and the line wasn’t fully released and it’s caused a bit of a config issue here, we work over the weekend and the last thing I’d want us to do is leave anyone without internet, especially over the weekend.

Would you like me to keep you updated here or via email?

We have seen your emails and have replied to them so if you’re having trouble receiving them then let us know and we can look into that.

Yayzi Support Team

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Hi Peter,

Did the engineer turn up?

Yayzi Support Team

Could you possibly keep me updated here, the reason I am thinking is this is public. so its more of an incentive. As in if you get it fixed fast. You guys come across as hero’s. You get it fixed very slowly, or don’t reply at all, you guys come across as villains and dissuade others to sign up.

At the end of the day I just want my internet to work. You are taking my first payment on Monday. So you’d think this would work prior to you taking my money.

CityFibre checked with their local head office on the phone and they confirmed the line was NOT locked to TalkTalk still as I suggested it could be this reason my line doesn’t work. If it is still locked after they have said this to me then this just shows how poor of a show CityFibre are all round.

Hi Anthony,

More than happy to keep you updated here, we have no problem being transparent with customers regarding issues that sometimes occur.

I can assure you this is a priority for us and naturally your connection was meant to be live, prior to a payment being taken, this will obviously be adjusted to reflect your actual go live date.

We never want to have any customer without internet, and I know how frustrating it can be.

From what we can see there was an issue with the switchover, and it is now showing as completed on our system but the configuration issue remains (we don’t believe the fault to be on CityFibres end but our own) and we have the network team working on it now and will continue to do so throughout the night.

I will update once again in the morning.

Yayzi Support Team

They did show up but they finished well after 6pm and the Cityfibre team they tried to call had gone home for the day. They told me the physical connection was fine but that they can’t bring the service up without that team. What concerns me though is the only light that is on is Power (I haven’t plugged in an ethernet cable) - there’s no broadband light which I believe is the physical connection?

Hi Peter,

I can see everything is correct from our end but the engineers notes do say the ONT hasn’t provisioned, what I’ll do is open a ticket with CityFibre for you, if you’re able to take a picture of the label with the barcodes on, I can pass that onto them and hopefully get that remotely provisioned for you. Which is probably the reason you’re not seeing all 4 lights on.

Could you send it to [email protected]

Yayzi Support Team

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Did you manage to fix my issue? Or how close to an ETA is it?

I’ve sent the email now - could you please confirm you received it? Another interesting thing is they fitted a Calix 801Gv2… given that it’s my intention to upgrade to the 2.5/2.5 service if it’s available or at least the 2/1 service, it seems silly that I am guessing an engineer will have to come back out just to swap out the ONT.

Hi Peter,

We’ve got it, and we’ll get that ticket logged with CityFibre now for you and that does seem a little backwards to install that ONT rather than an XGS-PON one. When you upgrade the engineer will definitely need to swap that out.

Yayzi Support Team

Hi Anthony,

The config issue is still being looked at, it’s admittedly quite a strange one. We have got CityFibre involved in this as well as we’re not 100% sure the switchover has been completed correctly, I understand you’ve come from TalkTalk?

I will try and get an ETA for you.

Yayzi Support Team

Yes I came from TalkTalk and they had completely locked me down to them. I had initially wanted to go to Vodafone and they wouldn’t let me as my line was locked to talktalk. So I had made a formal line release request to talktalk in August and it was supposed to be completed by 8th September where my line was fully terminated from TalkTalk. They shouldn’t therefore be continuing to lock my account down. I was also out of contract with TalkTalk so they shouldn’t have any reason to keep it locked to them also.

I just decided to go with Yayzi instead of Vodafone in that time. But the line should be released from TalkTalk. It is annoying that it is not.

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Hi Anthony,

It’s not the first time something like this has happened, don’t worry we’ll get it sorted for you, that I can absolutely assure you!

Once the one touch switching comes in, these kind of issues will be a thing of the past.

Yayzi Support Team

Hi Anthony,

We’re still working on this for you, after speaking with CityFibre we’re fairly confident that this is the result of the switchover that hasn’t gone quite as planned.

Everything from our end is correct and the config is in, now we’re awaiting CF provisioning team to work on the rest of this for us (awaiting a more detailed updated then I’ll be able to share more info with you)

I’m not feeling we’re the hero’s in this, that’s for sure but we’ll keep pushing for you.

Yayzi Support Team

Morning Anthony,

You should be good to go!

Yayzi Support Team

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I had the same installed, no biggie but would have saved a trip if the XGS-PON one was installed.

Is there anywhere we can see the roll outstatus and roughly when the faster service will be available?

No it is still not working.

I tried turning off the router and back on . Still not getting a WAN IP.

So I tried turning the ONT on and off, still not getting a WAN IP

So used my old router. Still not getting a WAN IP

And my Yayzi service page for my address says I am not getting anything either and shows me as offline

[Until my problem is fixed could people please stop posting in this thread as I don’t want my posts to get lost in the wilderness, and I want and need this to be fixed today]

Hi Anthony,

Could you get a pin and stick it in the reset hole on the ONT and the reset hole on our router, leave everything plugged in for me once reset, and let me know once you’ve done that?

If you could send any pictures of the ONT as well that would be helpful.

We have notifications on your post so we won’t miss anything!

Yayzi Support Team