No internet since this morning

Hi, for some reason I have had no internet since this morning. I have tried rebooting the router multiple times and it is still not working.

I cannot check MyYayzi Status to see if there are any problems as it is saying the page is currently being updated and will be offline for a few weeks

“myYayzi is currently offline, our new portal will be online in the next few weeks. Please bear with us while we bring the new portal online. Which will allow you to have full control over your account with us.”*

Can you confirm your router is currently setup in DHCP mode on the WAN side and not static?

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It is set as static. As when it was set as DHCP I was getting no internet at all so I was given a static IP address to fix this.

This is what I was given to put in

IP 185.210.171.x

I have removed the last digit as an FYI

Have you dropped an email over to [email protected]

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No, I always though the forum received a quicker response to issues. I will do that now.

Normally it is yeah, but both wont harm :slight_smile:

Swap back to dynamic IP and VLAN 911 :slight_smile:

I still have no internet since this morning. I’ve just restarted the router, but still no joy. Are you able to help?

I am getting the same, rebooted ONT multiple times, left ONT turned off for 5 full minutes, and the router, put paperclip in to reset the Yayzi router. And nothing.

I have turned off at the wall both my Yayzi router and ONT for 30mins. Powered back up the ONT and then the router. And still nothing.

I think for some reason DHCP does not work on my ONT. Can I please have the IP details to type in myself.

@Anthony ,
Imho manual settings was just a workaround, to eventually get back to DHCP. This day came today linked with the implementation of IPV6(?) or " We’re going to be removing the 154.X ranges. A new clean range has been tested and ready to go.", but looks like there are some complications. I’m in the same position and I think we just need to wait until Yayzi sorts out the changes/issues.

We can see like around 10 customers having issues. But over 500 on that range came back online without issue

Hey Team,

Mine went sometime shortly after midnight but just left it till came home from work about half hour ago so I was prob one of the ten!

Reboot of ONT got me back up and running, I use OPNsense but has always been set as DHCP on Vlan so no issue there.

The one thing, it has.ce back up on a 154 IP, is that ok?

Thanks, Bob!

Can you see anything in the router logs of what DHCP might be doing on the WAN interface?


Have you got time squewe? The date is 2016 in the logs it’s time sensitive

With no internet it cannot sync time so remains at 2016. Its doing it on mine too. I have manually changed the time and still no internet BTW.

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To mitigate the router if you have a laptop you could try that set to Vlan 911 just as another step if it helps :slightly_smiling_face:

Was they static ips before you had issues? Fixed from Yayzi end?

The other theory is that they could be still in the old range if so on Yayzi’s end

Yes, because DHCP would not work on this ONT and I was without internet for a whole week before I was given static details to put in. I think my ONT is defective as it cannot obtain an IP over DHCP.

I have tried multiple routers. It is not the routers. It has to be the ONT.

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I also don’t have any Internet since the update… been down for a day now… a week without resolving issue is very long time… might need to consider other suppliers at this rate!