Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

Going to take a punt and say it’s Valorant.

Unfortunately my son is still having a right nightmare when gaming on Xbox and pc. He keeps getting booted off all his games and it’s becoming so frustrating now. I think we have all been really patient with this port upgrade etc but this needs to improve as it’s starting to upset him now as he can’t game with his friends at all. Also he is off school for week and he can’t even do the thing he loves gaming.:smiling_face_with_tear:

So it’s 15:00 now and it’s doing it already it’s unacceptable


I’m genuinely sorry for this guy’s, truly I am. Once this is all sorted we will look at some compensation for anyone affected.

Lessons have been learnt from this, and I agree it isn’t acceptable, but everything is in place and we’re waiting for the greenlight and this should improve everything instantly.

The port upgrade was not supposed to take this long, I can assure you. It was supposed to be active the same time as the transit and peering upgrades.

You’ve all been really amazing, and I can’t thank you enough, but I know until this is resolved we will continue to get kicked in the arse about it. All I ask is you kick gently :frowning:


Bring back the commodore 64 and PAC man is what I say :slightly_smiling_face:

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Trying to play Fifa with a good ping is bad enough…but playing it on a 60ms ping is… Slightly annoying! :laughing:

At least you have an excuse to play bad now :eyes: I’ll see myself out


Stability from 22.05 - 22.15

Online - Packet loss - Online - Packet loss - Down - Packet loss - online

  • rinse and repeat.


On call tonight and using Teams while on a call and Opnsense doing its best to failover between Yayzi and Virgin because of the packet loss is almost comical, going to disconnect Yayzi until it’s resolved as it’s currently not fit for purpose. I’ll check back in next week. Godspeed guys.

I will admit, my FaceTime call last night was jittery and stuttering

But that was about 9pm

I don’t use a lot of applications that require low latency, but it is noticeable when I do

That’s basically what I’ve done, moved everything that’s dependant on a constant usable connection back onto my Virgin line.

It’s a bit shit really that I have the need to have two suppliers for my broadband, I didn’t have the need for this with Virgin. Yes I had the occasional blips with Virgin where it may go down for an hour or so, but nothing like the issues I’ve experienced with Yayzi.

I do question why I’m still here regularly, and always answer myself that if everything ran smoothly it has great potential. Unfortunately I really am questioning my judgement on this now though, which is a crying shame.

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Hopefully this port upgrade comes sooner than later otherwise Yayzi may start loosing customers which I am sure they don’t want

I myself won’t ever be going back to Virgin after seeing what 1g symmetrical can do…. Latency is way lower than Virgin during the day, usually sits at 6-8ms during the day, where as Virgin sat at 25ms during the day (HFC) but didn’t tend to spike at peak times. However the upload speed was far too slow when I needed it for the big backups and video uploads

I know it seems like I’ve defended Yayzi until the ends of the earth in the last few months, but that’s only because I think they really are great! Fully UK based support, no outsourcing. Yes they may ignore you or miss email from time to time, but they must get a lot of emails

Like I notified them about Discourse colour matching for the new messages both on here and email… not even an acknowledgment

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So some good news guys, finally! Handover document will be with us Monday, we will set the port live immediately after recieving!

This is an absolute firm date so just a couple more days and we’re golden. You should all see an instant difference. Thanks for sticking with, we obviously don’t want to lose anyone! :slightly_smiling_face:


We’re on it :slightly_smiling_face: sorry I thought I did get back to you, saying thanks. That’s on me

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No worries, great to see progress


It’s my weekend off but I think might go in overtime over the weekend as can’t be bothered with unhappy kids over internet. Let the missus deal with it😂 hopefully role on Monday and it gets fixed👍

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A good time to do something else instead of the internet, there is life out there :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

I work in the internet thing, so glad to switch it off at times :slightly_smiling_face:



Yes meant to be going to Alton towers tomorrow so should be fun. I have strict rules internet/gaming when all chores and homework done and also I turned internet off kids devices at set time

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Sounds like luxury, no internet when growing up didn’t do me any harm.

Yeah kids don’t realise we didn’t have any internet etc I had bloody dial up :joy: