Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

Yep, another day passed where I have unusable internet just at the time I want to use it!

Getting beyond a joke now.

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I wouldn’t mind as much that we’re already 4 days past the “next 10 days” date we were given if it wasn’t getting SIGNIFICANTLY worse with each passing day.

Tonight has been absolutely abysmal.

@Yayzi_Team Do you have an actual date the document is supposed to be handed over? This post has had over 1.8k views,
I wouldn’t like to think how much lost custom it’s potentially caused you. Its coming up 2 months this issue was raised, not trying to stoke the fire but you guys should of been all over this before it even became apparent.
If you have x amount of capacity on the port you terminate at CF and are signing up 300 odd customers a month, surely there should of been provisions in place very early on for the expected growth, it would of saved you the earache anyway!

I don’t doubt the increase in port capacity will fix the issue but that 1AM spike in latency is definitely a bizarre time everyday, for latency to decrease for an hour or so then increase again just doesn’t add up.
Anyhow, hopefully that hand over doc isn’t sat in your spam filter :grimacing:

Tonight has been sustained high 40’s

We don’t know when they started the port upgrade, they’ve not mentioned it, for all I know they may have booked it in before the March upgrade happened

I agree that 60ms ping is far from great, but it could always be a lot worse.

When I was on DSL at my house the ping used to be in the 800 range at 3mb/s on a good day

I did mean it could always be worse, this is BT FTTP, a massive 30mbps

What has DSL got to do with FTTH?
Yayzi should of been clear from the start of this post a port upgrade was in the pipeline if that were the case, again, it would of saved them the earache. And if its taken from early April until who knows when to get this live then the order should of been put in earlier.

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I do agree with you as they knew they were expansing rapidly, but hindsight is 20/20

I’m not defending them, but 60ms, unless you’re online gaming is still very good, still good for Youtube/Twitch streaming. If you didn’t have the graphs to act as evidence (which isn’t concrete, as for all you know, thinkbroadband may have issues they’re not transparent about) you’d probably not feel it at all, Not in the games I play anyway, Minecraft being the main one on SMP

I don’t play FPS shooters at all.

That’s FTTC not FTTP. It’ll be copper into your house.

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Yes, I am aware of that. I was joking as BT Openreach is shit. I mean 110mbps upload maximum, haha, how pathetic

If I was to sign up to another CF provider how long does the swap usually take? Is it normally seamless or should I expect downtime?

I could be sitting here in a months time being told it’s a few days away, I need to do something as the connection is useless to me, I only really use it during peak times, other than my wife who works from home where latency doesn’t cause her too many issues. I can put her on my 150 Virgin connection and it wouldn’t be an issue.

Yayzi should really be offering discounts until this is fixed as we’re paying 100% for a service that runs at less than 50% when needed! It’s not like it’s an issue that’s lasted a few hours, or even a few days. The issue has been going on for months and getting progressively worse.


I can confirm this port upgrade has been in the works for some time, well before it should have been needed. Which is the reason we’ve already got the next upgrade in testing now, and that will go live soon. So there will be plenty of capacity.

It would have been stupid of us to upgrade all the perring and transit, and not the CityFibre port.

I completely understand people’s frustration, really I do. We are chasing up this basically hourly now.

You can expect some downtime on the day, as the switchover happens. If you wish to move drop us an email :slight_smile:

Thing is, speeds also seem to go for a burton at the same time. Agree, some won’t notice it, but if you are gaming you certainly do. Plus, if you are downloading/uploading you do, though not to such an extent. It’s not just the ping times either as the lack of capacity causes added jitter, increased packet loss etc. It is quite mad as the actual experience is far worse than all the the graphs suggest. I mean, a ping of 30-40 would normally be fine but in-game, you will get 10-20% packet loss reported and severe lag.

I also imagine some games are a lot worse than others as when one of the kids is one Minecraft, I never get any complaints, but Fortnite - I get a right ear bashing!

@Yayzi_Liam got any burly geezers you can send over to CF?!

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I’ve resulted to pratically begging them :laughing: I have no shame right now! :smiley:


Your login details change to the gaining providers ones so the connection will go down on the date of the switch until you enter the new details. Some ISPs send out pre configured routers so all you need to do is swap out your old one but if your reusing your existing router you’ll need to update the details yourself.

You can’t defend it and trying to isn’t helping. You don’t need the BQM graphs to know the connection isn’t working right. You can see it and feel it when trying to use the connection. The issue is the congestion and the higher ping is just one symptom of that.

poor @Yayzi_Team lol

Let’s start an ISP they said, it will be fun they said. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think I might have noticed an improvement in peering thou, as Xdefiant downloaded super fast last week and my speed tests are way up than when I first got connected. Maybe this adds to the congestion but the theory is downloads complete faster and the line becomes clear which should lead to less congestion.

Shame Yayzi cant implement traffic shaping in the mean time. Doubt many people care if there downloads take 10 mins more, but they do when they teleport round the game map due to ping and dropped packets.

Make gaming ping, Netflix all that stuff priority and lower all that torrent crap, those people always ‘need to pick and packet or two’.

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I don’t teleport around I just get kicked off games saying connection lost.

It’s totally impossible to game on the connection unfortunately.

Hell Let Loose boots me as soon as packet loss happens. Given each game probably lasts an hour, it makes it impossible to ever complete a round.

I don’t use BQM for monitoring, my graphs also look nothing like it. My son plays Fortnite quite competitively, so it does have an impact when he’s giving my ears a bashing, Thankfully Virgin is still on a rolling contract until this is resolved, but again, its an impact on my finances that I shouldn’t need to incur, especially for this amount of time.
The connection isn’t stable at all for low latency applications,
fps gaming, VoIP, teams etc etc as it currently stands,. I’ve been in the IT game (No pun intended) long enough to know what’s normal and isn’t, and on that it doesn’t need someone technical to see what’s happening, the thread speaks for itself and I think patience is wearing a little thin at this point.