Slow download speeds since IP chances

Hmm, all gone poor again:

Pings are up too. Is the 185 range OK or should I be put on to the 141 range?


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Iā€™d prefer the 185 range pleaseā€¦ This one is shit

Iā€™m losing my patience now with this serviceā€¦

Can you try a few different speedtest servers for me?

Weā€™ve seen some crap upload speeds with M247 over the last day or so, sometimes even with non Yayzi connections

Let me know your preference and Iā€™ll post results here

Still seeing slow speeds here - Iā€™ve forced a couple of clients to go via Yayzi while the rest of the network remains on Virgin and from the wired client:

$ speedtest -s 30690

   Speedtest by Ookla

      Server: Community Fibre Limited - London (id: 30690)
         ISP: Yayzi Broadband
Idle Latency:     5.98 ms   (jitter: 0.07ms, low: 5.92ms, high: 6.04ms)
    Download:    12.52 Mbps (data used: 14.4 MB)
                567.38 ms   (jitter: 89.15ms, low: 23.87ms, high: 1375.26ms)
      Upload:     0.33 Mbps (data used: 186.4 kB)
               2883.78 ms   (jitter: 226.19ms, low: 857.88ms, high: 3450.99ms)
 Packet Loss:     0.0%
  Result URL:
$ curl
  "ip": "",

WiFi client:

It doesnā€™t seem to matter which server I choose, or which speedtest, the result is pretty awful in terms of speed. Any thoughts, @Yayzi_Team ?

Are you using our router or your own? This is certainly not right

I had complaints from my son about Fortnite last night as I stuck him on the Yayzi connection for him to test. Strange, as I was monitoring everything and the latency/jitter etc. seemed fine so am assuming itā€™s just more to do with the route to the servers. He said it was a bit ā€˜glitchyā€™ which I assume means laggy. He said that there was some packet loss displayed on the in game overlay along with some symbols that came up a few times indicating a dropped or weak connection. Heā€™s fully wired so was not internal issue. I stuck him back on VM and he said it was then all OK so something there for you to look at please.

When heā€™s playing different stuff, will try and do the same thing again.


My own opnsense box. Speedtest via the Virgin gateway (on said opnsense box) is what Iā€™d expect (about 7-800Mbit down, 110Mbit up) but via the Yayzi gateway itā€™s awful (though it doesnā€™t feel as bad as it looks when browsing) - FWIW this worked fine prior to the great outage, I got right around line speed; itā€™s even worked fine at points during all the reorganisation work, but not for the last few daysā€¦

Just looking at the thinkbroadband monitor, you can see as soon as I start ā€˜exercisingā€™ the connection thereā€™s significant packet loss reported:

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Forgive me for butting in, but sanity checking with the supplied Yayzi router for 5 minutes is probably the easiest way to move this forward as it removes any possibility of it being an OPN quirk and puts it back to a Yayzi issue (sorry Liam). Also I fully appreciate the irony/humour in you having to use a dynamic dns provider for a static connection, but possibly better to generate an anonymised BQM in future.

Yeah, itā€™ll probably be some time before I can put the Yayzi router back in and do any testing (definitely not during the work day, anyway) - and this configuration was working just fine prior to the outage.

Iā€™m not too worried about the DNS name being there - a) I donā€™t think having half a dozen IPs since signing up a week ago really counts as static and b) we all know the DNS will have been enumerated within minutes of being created, and a thousand different mindless botnets will be scanning this and every other host on the internet for holes :wink:

Well this is ironic. Random power cut last night (donā€™t worry Liam, you arenā€™t getting the blame for that :smiley: ), servers shut down as expected via UPS, and I left everything off over night as I have some maintenance planned for today, and a totally idle BQM graph would be useful at this point as you can literally see the hourly spikes when my speedtest server checks the connection. Now I know I joked above about the humour in having to run a dynamic DNS service for a connection with a static IP, but I shouldnā€™t have, as my IP changed and no BQM, so today iā€™m setting up DDNS on my static connection :exploding_head:

@aaronjb did you manage to get swapped out and confirm either way?

Look, if I learnt one thing in my time hereā€¦ is that we can blame @Yayzi_Liam for everything. Right!? :wink:

Speaking of speeds - I did; I swapped the EX820v in last night and did a quick test (over the stock wifi because I picked the wrong laptop up ā€¦ give me back ethernet ports on laptops, manufacturers! shakes fist at Asus and Dell ā€¦ anyway) and speeds were great. I mean, 6-700Mbit down and 4-500Mbit up; thatā€™s a lot less than line rate but that could easily be down to testing over WiFi.

So now Iā€™m off down an opnsense rabbit hole. Still weird, because I definitely used to get line rate via the opnsense box; of course that was before I went dual-WAN and added firewall rules for inbound ICMP. Neither should have any impact but something certainly is! So Iā€™m staring at tcpdumpsā€¦

ā€¦itā€™s like being at work :rofl:

Right. Yes. So.

Iā€™m a moron.

# speedtest

   Speedtest by Ookla

      Server: YouFibre - London (id: 55137)
         ISP: Yayzi Broadband
Idle Latency:     3.48 ms   (jitter: 0.06ms, low: 3.45ms, high: 3.55ms)
    Download:  1218.91 Mbps (data used: 609.9 MB)
                  8.46 ms   (jitter: 0.48ms, low: 3.46ms, high: 9.45ms)
      Upload:   968.65 Mbps (data used: 1.0 GB)
                  7.92 ms   (jitter: 0.74ms, low: 3.82ms, high: 9.79ms)
 Packet Loss: Not available.
  Result URL:

At some point I had futzed with the priority code point for the Yayzi VLANā€¦ maybe as far back as when all the line instability was there (going up/down etc) and Yayzi were struggling with DHCP issues. Set it back to 0 and voila, all my problems disappeared.

Itā€™s a good job my job title doesnā€™t have ā€œNetwork Engineerā€ in it anymoreā€¦


Ah, the good old picnic error. Weā€™ve all been there!

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Weā€™ve all done it at some point and fair play for the admission, itā€™s more than many are prepared to make. Iā€™m sure @Yayzi_Team wonā€™t hold any grudges, just look out for a dartboard in the background of a future blog photo with some familiar looking faces/avatarā€™s in key positions :rofl:

Interesting. My IP hasnā€™t changed but all the Speedtest server locations that are selectable have - I can no longer select the Community London server and what few there are seem to be in the Midlands now! Looks like Iā€™m quite near Coventry, apparently.

Not sure whatā€™s going on at Yayzi HQ today thenā€¦


I think $dayjobā€™s Product Engineering team probably have a voodoo doll of me that Yayzi can borrow, as well :rofl:

@Keeop , are you still on 185.x? (I am and I see consistent speeds now Iā€™ve fixed my slight errorā€¦)

@aaronjb Not consistent, no. Getting between 1200 and 1800 mostly, but my IP location seems to have changed as the servers itā€™s finding for me are all in the Midlands which is not where I am based. I can still choose London - I wasnā€™t seeing the option on the screen I was on earlier which was my mistake - but it defaults to a load of servers in the Midlands. If I choose Community Fibre London, then I am getting better speeds so will have to run some more tests and make sure I have that one selected each time.

OK, so just run a load over the last 10 mins for consistency. Only got the one machine on the Yayzi at the moment, and itā€™s only running these tests. So, I had a 700Mb difference between fastest and slowest. Still pretty wild variance.

Hmm, just ran another and got around 1100Mb whereas the best I got earlier on was 2020Mb. Also, on this last test, the latency really took a hit - sort of thing that happens with VM when there are too many subscribers on the network segment. Run again, 1450 with increased latency but not as bad as previous. Whole thing just seems all over the place. Iā€™m not really complaining as those speeds are more than enough but would be nice to know whatā€™s causing such variation.

Maybe itā€™s just how it is? Just a more noticeable difference with a faster connection?

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I wouldnā€™t say this seems to be correct. The network is only using about 12% capacity right now.

Iā€™d say there is a good chance the speedtest servers are possibly under load as well. But I donā€™t want to come across as weā€™re kinda shifting the blame there either.

But certainly no traffic shaping or anything from our end