Speed Increase 900 >1200 Down, how to get a new ONT?


First, Good news on the Speed Increases, rare for an ISP to think about existing customers, when new offers are launched, most seem only intrested in signing up new and milking every penny out of loyal customers. So Thankyou! :+1:

My Account now shows:

My Cityfibre ONT is Calix GigaPoint 801G on a GPON network

  • Calix GigaPoint 801G . 1GB down /1GB up
  • Calix GP1000g 2GB down /1GB up

What’s the process for getting the ONT upgrade to the Calix GP1000g?


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Drop us an DM here and we can start the process for
You :slightly_smiling_face:

Have sent a DM

Have an update not as straight forward as initally thought.

Looks like in order to get the 1.2gb speed bump you need a new ONT which is a chargeable item and also need to update to GIG pro package.
So not the speed bump I had originally thought.

The change in speed on account is just admin related.

Really?? How much are they wanting to charge for a new ONT?? That seems mad. I only had the service put in in November so it seems crazy for Cityfibre to have put in an obsolete ONT.

As for needing to go to the ‘Pro’ service, there was also no mention of that in the press release. I have requested a new ONT - to take advantage of the increased line speed - but no-one has mentioned any charges in any of the correspondence so far. Having said that, haven’t really got that far yet. Still awaiting a date as to when this is likely to happen. However, if there are additional charges involved then I’m not sure I’ll go ahead.

Would be good to get some confirmation on this please Yayzi.


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Hey guys,

So just for some more information, all new installs will get a MultiGig ONT, exisiting installs have to have new orders placed (which does incur a cost) we’re currently in talks with CityFibre to be able to get our exisiting customers onto to the new ONT’s without a charge. Bear with us and hopefully we’ll be able to get the ball rolling!



How much is the cost of swapping out an 801G?

If the swap is because you’re moving to a faster plan that you current ONT does not support then there is no cost.

Everyone has been moved to a faster plan though. Everyone now has 1.2GB plan with Yayzi for free


Right I totally forgot about that switch. The same should apply though, from Cityfibre’s POV it’s just a plan change, so there shouldn’t be any cost to switch the ONT. The 801G simply isn’t capable of providing that service so it will be changed out.

Hey guys,

Just jumping on to give a little info on this.

So any new customers will be on a 1.2Gbps line profile (with a MultiGig capable ONT) but the router being the obvious bottleneck.

Any previous customers that don’t have a MultiGig capable ONT will need an update but its currently costing £50+ to do that, but we’re trying to get this cost down/voided by CityFibre.

I hope to have more information to share this week.


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Given this has been two months since this post. Has there been anything said by Cityfibre about getting everyone the new 2GB/s capable ONTs?

I thought all the ONT’s had a 10G capable ethernet port?

I’m very new to ONT’s if you can’t tell

I’m going to presume, considering the speeds on offer by CF I would imaging the ONT fitted would either be a 1gb port, or a 2.5gb port. What’s fitted would probably depend on what service you ordered from the CF partner.

Yes I think they only install whatever speed you choose from ISP

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But we now have 1.2GB/s service with a 1GB/s ONT. That is the problem.

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Have a question about the ONT upgrades to allow Multi-Gig

On email been advised need to move to a multi gig package to get the ONT, its chargeable £120.

On ISPreview site seem Free for some customers


Whats the current status with upgrades and costs on existing customers on the 900 packages?


Offically its meant to be chargable, as its a cost to us. But right now if you request the upgrade we will do it for no additional cost.


Beware the potential cost of chasing that extra 200Mbit, it’s often the thin end of an expensive network upgrade wedge :smiley:


No comment…. Not like i upgraded my whole network to be 100Gb capable. Slowest part of my internet is my UDM SE. Not spending a fortune on a 100Gb firewall yet. Tbh might just have to buy a SuperMicro and Opnsense it