Steam download speed

Thank you for response. Could you tell me the price you paid for the CPU? If it is capable then wouldn’t mind trying it.

I got it for free, as i ran a retail company when these chips were released so i just nabbed one from my own company. But at the time, retail price was about £650.


Am I the weird one for being happy with this DL speed?

Ah thats cuz its in MB/s so thats basically 951.2681 Mbps

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Yeah, that’s my Max speed, as my switch is only gigabit, same with my router, but I may get the Cloud Gateway Max to be 2.5G ready…

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Not too shabby:


Now thats sexy download

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What hardware are you running on out of interest @Keeop

I’m hitting 1.6Gbps peak but CPU is getting thrashed, but disk is fine. However, each game on Steam is compressed differently and the decompression while downloading is different for each game.

Although @Dziros is running an 13900KS and is also hitting 1.6Gbps.

I’m not overly bothered about getting full download speed on Steam but its interesting to understand where the bottlenecks are, if its hardware or steam capping

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CPU is an i7-13700k. The NVME SSD that this was saving down to is a Solidigm P44 Pro.

To be fair, the download speeds are a bit random. That’s certainly the fastest I have seen hence thought I’d grab a screenie! First time I’ve seen it over 1Gb. Guess the wind was blowing in the right direction!

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Amazon have a deal on with below cpu this at minute. Do you think it would help with the CPU usage instead of my sons ryzen 5600X

@supershaun if the link below is accurate, the upgrade might be marginal (?) → not worth:

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Personally i’d go for the 5950x, it’s a damn good CPU.

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Unless i’m being stupid, that task manager shows you hitting your internet limit (Looking at the first ethernet adapter, R is 2.0Gbps). Yes okay you’re pegging your CPU, but you’re still achieving max download possible.

I’d say there your CPU is the bottlekneck. Ethernet will do 2.5Gbps (Or probably around 2.48Gbps) fine, your SSD is only 40% usage.

Task manager NIC was bouncing round between 1 and 2 Gbps, I just happened to take the screenshot as it was showing 2Gb. Also doesn’t explain why Steam states peak was 1.6Gbps, Opnsense also stated the same as steam.
I’ve far more faith in Opensense and Steam giving accurate metrics over Windows.

Oh yeah, for sure it’s probably not 100% accurate. If i look at unifi it never tells me what i’m actually downloading at.

My point more was i don’t think its your ethernet or your SSD, it’s your CPU throttling the speed.

Which leads on to my previous point, @Dziros is running an 13900KS which eats the 5950x and still doesn’t get above 1.6Gbps (Assuming the rest of Dziros hardware is capable which looking at the list they posted it is)

I’ve not seen anyone post getting above 1.6Gbps on Steam downloads even though the hardware some people have posted is more than capable.

At this point I believe it’s either Steam capping the download speed, or Yayzi is doing some sort of traffic shaping/QoS - Although they have already stated they aren’t shaping.

Again, to me its a non issue. But something is off.

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Yayzi don’t throttle their traffic, I’ve previously asked the question :slightly_smiling_face:

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But your task manager shows you maxing out your CPU… and as you mentioned Dziros’s setup - He’s also only using about 50% CPU while downloading at 1.6Gbps (He doesn’t show SSD or any other usage though…). You’re running a 10900k which will get eaten alive by a 13900KS or a 5950x.

I’m hitting 1.5Gbps totally fine using about 40% - 60% of my CPU (Again, i’m using the 5950x).

In your case, it isn’t steam or any QoS, but it’s your CPU. For me, it’s my M.2 drive bottlenecking me. Who knows what it is for Dziros

Taking it at face value, but @Dziros posted they were running a 980 pro. Again more than capable.

More than capable. As I said, something is off.