Steam download speed

All he needs is a new CPU,Motherboard & Ram. As has new nvme and only purchase new graphics card in January

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Always the same, as bad as smart phones and watches ,
I’ve found Linux has less bloatwear and is pretty useable these days I use it in work.
Connect to something remote if I need something Linux doesn’t have.

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First time I’ve seen this sort of speed from Steam, but it also helps that the game (CoD Warzone) isn’t a bunch of smaller files and it’s rather just updating one main archive. You’ll see your download speed and disk usage jump around depending on the game and filestructure too, keep that in mind.

@Grumpus your speeds are exactly the same as mine but I am limited for speed as my CPU maxes out.

Hopefully sorted over next 6 months for son

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Hey @supershaun

By the way I tested my Steam download and it’s not too much different from yours. I may not have bottle necks as my comp sepcs are:
Intel 13900KS
Motherboard Rog Strix Z790-E Gaming
32GB DDR5 Ram
HDD Samsung 980 Pro 2TB

Here I am being impressed with:

What speeds do you pay for?

2.3Gbps (2.5Gbps?)

So if you dont have bottlenecks then would seem being limited at steams end.

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I agree.

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What happened to the 2.5gb plan on Yayzi as that’s what I’m meant to be on? Now all I see is 2.3gb max

Come on…. I mean, come on man…. Do you use all the 2.5gb/s? Are you really missing 200mbps that much? I only really touch the 1gb/s if I am downloading a game

I asked Yayzi and they said that in theory 2.3 is 2.5 …, but in practice it doesn’t look like. I’ve never seen my DL speed in Speedtest reaching 2.2Gbps., max ~2.1Gbps.

@L0rdVerga it’s not about that. We probably could even use 1Gbps, but it’s about reaching the max what’s given, just for the joy. Similar to why people buy Ferrari and not Vauxhall

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Overheads on the ports… Same as 1Gbps lines getting around 940Mbps.

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It’s not the point. When I signed up to Yayzi I done the 2.5gb NOT 2.3gb. It’s irrelevant if I use/need the extra 200mbps you should get what you pay for simple as.

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Yeh but the also don’t sell Ferraris saying that your can drive it at 250 miles an hour where available, they sell it for its features knowing it can go fast :slightly_smiling_face:

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You’re getting exactly what the port supports, the maximum speed possible :slight_smile:


I suppose will just make do with the 2.3GB then😂 just kidding. Honestly Yayzi is the best speeds/support etc that I have used. Keep up the good work👏

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A 5950x would be fine for doing what you’re doing, i’m not sure why you’re being told otherwise.

For a test, i’ve just downloaded Battlefield 2042 from steam (I run 10GB networking equipment, on the 2.3GB package, with a 5950X cpu).

I max out at about 170MB/s, which is roughly 1426.06Mbps. If i go run a speedtest, i get about 2100Mbps.

But you can also see i’m maxing out my M.2 Drive - in my rig, that’s my bottleneck (Not sure why when it supports 4,950MB/s, but whatever).

If you have 2.5GB capable networking gear, then you’ll max out CPU before SSD (In your case). In my case with a 5950x (Like you asked if it would be okay), i’m maxing out my M.2 drive. So in theory if you get a 5950x, you’ll improve the speeds until you hit your SSD limits.

TL:DR: You’re not going to peg / max out a 5950x using 2.5Gbps internet to download games from steam. Total crap, and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Also don’t forget the 5950x has 16 cores, 32 threads to spread the load. So even if task manager is reading the CPU as at 100%, that doesn’t mean 100% across all cores.

It’s up to 7Gbps, it’s crazy.

PCI5 is something like 12Gbps.