Steam download speed

Oh yeah, sure, agreed. My point was more Steam and Task manager agree on disk usage. They disagree on Ethernet, but Task Manager seems more plausible. That was my logic, though it could easily be flawed.

Steam doesn’t install anything, that’s done after download. Though you are right, it is decompressing it etc.

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Purely for those who are interested. My mate in London ran a test.

2.2Gbps download. Same CPU as me (5950x), similiar M.2 drive (pcie 4.0, same write speed), 3Gbps internet connection.

At this point, i’m starting to become suspucious that Yayzi are doing something. Or maybe it could be peering, i imagine CommunityFibre may want to peer directly to steam. Or maybe it’s because Yayzi’s existing peering (in LINX LON1, LON2 etc) is only 10GB, Unlike most other ISPs at 100GB or more (CommunityFibre, VM, Sky, BT, etc). Valve’s peering is at 400GB, so other ISP are deffo getting more throughput than Yayzi.

@Yayzi_Team @Yayzi_Staff any chance we can request peering? If so, steam please!! :joy:

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That’s very interesting then. Hopefully it is just a peering issue and can be sorted.

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I do notice he’s also using his GPU for decompression as that’s at 100%, others seem to only be using the CPU :thinking:

It’s possible the speed would be much faster with GPU decompression.

How would he set it so that it uses gpu instead of cpu?

It looks like I am severely wrong, no such thing as GPU decompression in steam from googiling it, educated guess :sweat_smile:. He may have just been running a GPU task elsewhere

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If they are putting at 400 Gbps backbone, then customers are paying for it, no doubt they have space for those users who cares about steam, making space on Yayzi that’s cheaper for those who don’t care :grin::+1: that’s fair

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Gut feeling I knew hardware wasn’t the bottleneck.

Unfortunately it isn’t a case of i don’t care so it doesn’t matter. I don’t care either, but would expect users to be able saturate their bandwidth on steam downloads - hardware permitting.

Findings like this travel far and wide and for potential new customers looking to switch to CF / a new ISP it may put them off. Ultimately, it’s lost custom for Yayzi and I suspect this thread will gather traction.

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I do agree that seeing 2.3gb/s download on Steam with Yayzi would be nice, if completely unnecessary

I don’t think yayzi will want to increase their peering rate for the sake of a few customers. It would be interesting to see if anyone on a OR 1.8gb/s package gets full speed

CF is still beating the snot out of OR in terms of capability - I mean, GPON can do symmetrical speed, up to 1gb, yet OR don’t offer that, so they’re not even using GPON?

Which bit said I didn’t care ? I said for those users who cares about steam ,:slightly_smiling_face: so tell me how it’s fair for Steam users to nick the whole bandwidth leaving a reduced bandwidth for those other users who aren’t using steam ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Not that I care with my 1mbps useable :slightly_smiling_face:

Which bit did i specifically say YOU didn’t care. You were generalising customers that don’t care. I said i don’t care either, so please enlighten.

Ultimately, its not for you to decide what is and isn’t fair for paying customers. People signed up for 2GB+ internet download. Regardless of where that comes from.

You could have someone on the network that is downloading terabytes of data a day but not using steam. Is that not fair? Where is the line drawn?

Oof, 1mbps… you need to get that looked at :smiley:

I can’t even use my full bandwith… because I need to upgrade my router and switch and get a 2.5gb ethernet pcie card for my PC

Sounds like Yayzi needs a fair use policy then to save saturating the bandwidth for those others :slightly_smiling_face:
Downloading terabytes at 1 mbps? It’s going to take a while :slightly_smiling_face: why not? At least its not saturating the bandwidth :slightly_smiling_face:

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For reference, this is some guy on a 10G line, downloading at 5gbps

600MB/s Steam download over 10Gbps Sonic fiber link (

A day?

Terabytes over 1mbps in a a day?

Refer back to my previous point. You can saturate the bandwidth for aslong as you like outside of just steam. So where is the line drawn? I’d love to know.

There isn’t one, I presume it’s down to fair use :+1:

By the way I wasn’t generalising about customers who didn’t care either, I was making the point that other companies with 400Gbps bandwidth have more space for those that use Steam!

Who also charge you more!

I couldn’t give two toots what the limitation of downloading on steam over Yayzi is, but the original point of “why users downloading on steam should be allowed to “nick” all the bandwidth” is null and void. We could go round and round in circles so i’ll leave it here.
But I expect this thread will continue to grow.

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Likewise👍 I was just throwing it out there, have a good day


For people saying it’s not fair for users. I pay for 2.3gb so i expect to be able to download one game on steam when my son wants to buy one. Otherwise everyone might as well just downgrade to a lower package as no point in having the bigger one.

For people saying it’s not fair and then downloading TBs themselves is not fair at all.

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Absolutely no bottlenecking here, there is zero, and I mean zero traffic shaping, quality of service or any other methods of any kind.

You can use the full extent of your connection for as long period as your hearts desire.

With the upgrades we’ve done, there is an abundance of capacity available, we can however look at direct peering with Steam, we’re always open to direct peering where it makes sense to do so, as a gamer myself I know it’s important :slightly_smiling_face: