Steam download speed

I think the issue here is the peering speed. Yayzi are only peering at 10GB on LINX LON1 where Valve has their peering.

Valve are peering at 400GB. My mate in London, is with CommunityFibre. They peer are LINX LON1 at 100GB. I reckon that’s probably got something to do with it.

If we can upgrade that peer to 100GB, or peer directly to steam, great problem solved. But i reckon upgrading the existing 10GB peering to 100GB should do the job nicely.

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I doubt that would be free, however that would be great. Wouldn’t make a difference to me as I already saturate my connection, however it would make a difference on the 2.3Gb plans

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It certainly would carry a cost, but if it improves the user experience its completely worth it!


I’d maybe even pay extra monthly though where we can have a say in this sort of stuff.

Upgrading the peering to 100GB doesn’t just benefit steam, it benefits every connection with peering at that centre. So yes, 100GB would probably improve our steam connections but it would also achieve other stuff.

We all pay for bandwidth and a connection, I for one wouldn’t want higher costs thank you I’m happy with my regraded 1 Gbps :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

And more than happy with Yayzi good work guys

If you don’t want to pay, don’t have a say! :slight_smile:

I am sure as the user base increases , the demand will drive the supply of capactity. Upgrades need to commerically viable and pricing for customers remain competetive.

@Yayzi_Team : Is a Mancester LINX connection on the Horizon?

Not sure if would be possible or if a good idea but in the future maybe have like a Gamers package and charge extra £5-£10 a month more for the better steam download speeds etc

A Megabyte? :grin:

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Would that work though? Either you’re peered with steam or your not? maybe they can do that on a subnet/IP range basis?

Probably wouldn’t work, unless they seperated their network and peering which isn’t a good way of doing it.

Only for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

Vlan 912 just for you :grin::+1:

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Yeah to be honest I’m not really bothered only thing that is frustrating is that I’m paying for 2.3gb and not getting that on stream. I know I will have to upgrade cpu or whatever but I’m not doing that if the network is not capable of delivering it.

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That’s not even a CityFibre vlan :cry:

Unfortunately you’re getting exactly the speeds you’re paying for.

There you go then I’m right :+1:

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Because you don’t pay for a 2.3GB connection to steam, you pay for a 2.3GB connection to the internet, which you’re getting.

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Because the other supplier has better peering with Valve/Steam.

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Omg… They are supplying what you’re paying for, in no way do they guarantee a 2.3gb/s connection to Valve/Steam. Other services will run slower than others, try download something from Epic Games or Ubisoft and see what you get? Do I complain that Google Drive caps out at 10MB/s…(on a 940mb/s connection) no, can I? Not really, Yayzi are still giving you a 2.3gb/s link speed to the internet

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