XGS-PON Upgrades

Hi @Yayzi_Team

I’m sure you’ve mentioned previously that you were looking to put together a form or similar for those interested in getting their area updated to XGS-PON so you could present it to CF, is there anything happening towards this? I signed up on the promise that I would be updated to the 2.3Gig Pro+ when my area was updated, but truth be I have no abolutely no idea of when that’ll be.

Anything you can do to give me better idea of timescales would be appreciated.

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I would be interested to know when this will happen also.

I read a post from ISPREVIEW that said CF where upgrading the whole network to be capable of providing 2gig up and down but my area is also not been done yet (Peterborough)

I seem to remember that Yayzi was going to try and negotiate with CF to try and get a deal together so that customers didn’t have to pay for the XGS-PON if one was needed.

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So we’re expecting all already to be XGSPON ready around August this year (currently)

It will be a free upgrade from the 2Gig Pro+ to the 2.3Gig Pro+


Any more updates available on this?

I asked CF how the upgrades were progressing and they said I should ask my ISP… But its YOUR NETWORK CF why cant YOU tell me… sigh… :thinking:

We haven’t yet had any more info, but we do chase every week :slight_smile:


@Yayzi_Team now that we’re in August, you should also expect us to be asking for updates every week as well… :wink:

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i have tried all CF social channels and they refuse to make any comment about changes

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I asked them via X and they said contact my ISP… I said but its YOUR NETWORK and they never responded.

I did X, Linkedin and webchat all at same time, they where just doing a copy/paste on each platform.

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Cityfibre are not really interested the end user thats the ISP relationship.

CF <> ISP <> Customer

Tried once to get clarity on a wayleave agreement query, I contacted CF via email, phone, etc. , no one at Cityfibre had a clue.

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I guess it’s a bit like contact Openreach - they’re not customer facing really, apart from the install engineers

Yeh at work we’ve found out that BT aren’t really a communications company :grin: they don’t talk between themselves let alone customers


The thing is - it shouldn’t be down to the ISPs to be continually asking CF for updates to the network infrastructure. Once CF have done an upgrade anywhere on their network that could affect an end customer, they should be automatically contacting all the ISP’s. The ISPs can filter out what isn’t relevent to their customer base. But everytime the ISP asks for updates, it takes a human to deal with that request and send the response. It isn’t rocket science and shouldn’t be difficult to implement at all.

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Totally agree, it seems because they can bat of anyone who contacts them to the ISPs and run around their network make changes and not really be held to account.

@Yayzi_Team Any news?

@Yayzi_Team so as it’s now September we should all be expecting XGSPON to be available, right? Any update from CF?

Gentlemen let Yayzi fix my internet first, then you can go to even XXXGSPON :wink:

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They’ve been doing work in areas, unfortunately that’s all the information we have currently. When we know more you guys will be the first to know :wink:

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How can we check if our area now has updated supported…? as your postcode checker will just says your already connected.