XGS-PON Upgrades

Mine appeared last week, you just need to keep doing a postcode check if you waiting for upgrade.

ONT swap for me this Wednesday booked in

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How does one arrange the upgrade? I’ve verified 2.3 is available on the website and tried going to “Change my plan” in MyYayzi (Client portal) but it errors and doesnt list any plans

Please email [email protected] and probably Cody will book it for you

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awesome, thanks :slight_smile:

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Somethings not quite right at the minute.

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We’ve just swapped them round by accident -_- we’re sorting :slight_smile:


Would be good to know the areas that’s going live I see bt doing there xgs-pon test on residential home and manage 50gbps download

Don’t hold your breath - BT still can’t even get symmetrical FTTP, XGS-PON - 1.6 Down / 110M up their FTTP.

Will this roll out be in bognor regis too

Still bakerds over here. 2gbps upload xD LOL

So I saturated my connection, I moved over my storage on my PC to NVME

I must say, I’m pretty happy with that, Yes, it really did take eight minutes. There’s no slowdown at all.

And upgrade completed. Really speedy service, only took a few days from emailing to CF coming over. The engineer seemed happy, the job was listed as FTTH install so he was quite happy to have some of his Friday back after just swapping the ONT.

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I wish mine was so simple…

Booked for ONT swap on Wednesday PM, connection dropped as expected 1pm but no engineer turned up.

Yayzi support have tried to get an engineer in vein, finally trying to get my original connection back on by cancelling my service all together and starting a new one, unfortunately CF didn’t have the correct serial number for my original ONT so that option failed also.

So I’m left with no connection until next week other than my 4G backup which is only in place for brief outages not a weeks worth of downtime.

Hats of to Chris from support for trying all the options to get me back online but essentially what should have been a simple job has turned into a nightmare and has had a major impact on my plans.

Even after escalation to “Senior Management” CF are untouchable and they can’t be bothered to do the right thing and get some out to solve the problem, a 10 minute problem.

CF utter shower of…


We’ve got a bit of good news to share regarding the XGS-PON deployment. CityFibre has clarified that they’ve accelerated their entire XGS-PON rollout since they last updated ISPreview in October 2024. “We are on track to upgrade our entire RFS footprint by mid-year 2025, enabling our partners to offer our full multi-gig XGS-PON product portfolio to all premises,” said the operator.

Will believe it when I see it…


Have you attempted a manual entry? You may need to email [email protected]

My address isn’t listed either, tried a few different addresses close by that are city fibre enabled & those addresses don’t exist as well, it seems yayzi’s new address lookup has a few issues.