IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

Similar here: I’m getting redirected to https://www.bbc.com/ since my IP changed to the 154.56.255.* range

My BBC News is now supplying the north-america stream:

Also disconcerting to see weather forecasts from around the world with temperatures in Fahrenheit :wink:

My ip range is the same as the poster above 154.56.255 and am having the same issues.
It was fine until Thursday night when my router rebooted itself and put me on a new range, despite supposedly having a static ip.

Something else weird was that in signing up to this forum, the activation wouldn’t send to my Hotmail address, despite a number of tries.
As soon as I switched to gmail, it was fine.
This is probably unconnected but thought I’d mention it.

I believe you was on a 149.X previous which isn’t static, we have a pool of dynamic only IPs.

So everyone that is supposed to have a static has one. This is from a new range that has been provided directly by cogent who have now updated their geo database to use our geofeed. We’ve been assured by that this will propagate quite quickly :crossed_fingers:

The Hotmail issue is unrelated, I believe for some reason the discord software is blocking. We are looking into it but admittedly it’s not high up the priority list just yet :slightly_smiling_face:

Well I am supposed to have a static IP with my package. Is the 149 range still dynamic ?

A static IP is included but should be requested. Not everyone wants a static address. The 149’s are still dynamic.

We will be making some changes so we can resolve the geo issues much quicker but we can’t implement it over the weekend.

So we will schedule a maintenance window for it :slightly_smiling_face:

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"Can you try doing that again for me this morning and see if your address changes? It should be static now. "

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Hi im a new customer this week was all going fine but today i can’t watch my paid mgm subscription on my prime video thinks im in the U.S. My ip starts with 154.56 i don’t get why i search what’s my ip and it shows yayzi but in blackpool. Any help would be great.

This is an issue with cogent, we’ve have them a bit of a bollocking as we were assured by them the IPs were good to go.

We’ll be taking the range down shortly, and we will assign on the other ranges that we know don’t have any issues.

Thanks for getting back so quick was just a little strange first few days it was ok no problem with the location will keep checking thanks again

@Yayzi_Team how long does it take to sort out as I’m paying for streaming services I can’t now use not even been a customer for a week yet problems already and your services are not cheap

I can confirm that my IP has changed to the 154.56.255.x range, but I have exactly the same issues as before with Geolocation … If you were going to change the IP why not to a range with no issues ? that isn’t logical at all …

We’re moving everyone off the range over the next 48 hours.

We always check the databases to ensure they’re updated. But we have no way of testing the billions of websites. We rely on feedback from customers

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No, but you could test against the 1 website that we are discussing and that there is a Known problem with … ie bbc.co.uk.

This is the first time ever i have ever had problems like this from an isp the only problems i ever used to have was on speeds and down time im not sure i will be staying with you 3 days into my service and getting problems like this i think i may be cancelling before the 14 days.

Also im using prime video and it says are you travelling

Over the last few months, people have had issues with Channel 4, odeon, Channel 5, BBC iPlayer, Even some random less visited websites.

There were simply not enough time in the day for them to do it, And constantly too because the issues were fixed and then the issue reappeared

I realise it is not optimal however there are ways around this. I.e A VPN like Surfshark or PIA or nord VPN.

A VPN is not the answer to this problem however it is a viable workaround for now

I think we have a different idea of what a professional service comprises of. In my opinion the most important thing that an ISP can do is make sure its service is Fit for purpose. And if that means 1 person (doesnt need to have many skills) sitting testing that their service actually works on the most popular websites , so be it… it is part of the cost of doing business. Yayzi need to have a look at the damage to their reputation this is causing, and what that is actually worth to them.


The only person who seems to be complaining massively is you.

Yes there is issues with the IP address range that they were promised was clean. This isn’t something they can control. Heck even Virgin Media have issues with some IPs. I got given one IP from them that was based in the US. Heck they even had a mass outage due to DNS. The difference between Yayzi and Virgin (even the business line) you have communication. Yayzi are always active and open. Liam may be a bit too open tbh lol. Yes I understand your frustration but they have said they are moving people off the range

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For what its worth https://www.bbc.co.uk/userinfo


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I think you need to read up a little and see how utterly incorrect that statement is.

I really don’t see anything wrong with pointing out simple deficiencies in a service that we are paying for. There is nothing wrong with criticism when it is justified.