IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

It’s definitely an issue, and you raise a valid point.

But also, you’re saying to test against the websites people are having issues with. Well we have an that’s why we’re pulling the range out of use.

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Thank you for the reply, and I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labours.

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So things have stopped working again. ITV, then Ch4, now BBC …
154.56.255. Youtube thinks I am in the US…

As above, we’re aware and we’re sorting it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Seems I’m in the Netherlands this evening.

141.11.107.x isnt a yayzi range, unless its new. Which website is that?

The original IP lookup is a simple Google “what is my IP”

Done it again this morning and it’s changed (I was sure I was moved to static IP after some early issues though)

The only 141 range we have is

@Benville yours definitely is static. So not entirely sure where the range is the first pic came from but it 100% isn’t ours. Did you have a VPN running?

Just done a check in the 141.11.107.X and it’s all geolocation is in the Netherlands, definitely not ours at all :slightly_smiling_face:

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Please remember that Yayzi can only do so much with this, they don’t control the third party databases that the likes of the BBC pull from, Yayzi have published their own database, but they cannot force third parties to use it

What we can do is email the third party database holders which is what @WhyAydan has been doing

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I know this issue is being looked into, just adding I have the same issue too with BBC website, my IP starts 154.5*.*.

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Yeah its been great fun!

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Ironically under “Continue watching” I’m finding just recently that I’m being asked by Amazon prime video to “rent or buy” for content in a series I’m part way through. Frustrating!

This will be resolved very very soon. Within 48 hours I can assure you that as a new Clean IP Block as been acquired.

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No don’t run any VPNs. Honestly no idea then, literally just did what I always do (and did this morning) and google “what is my IP” and that’s what it came up with.

Sky and the BBC are also blocking IP range 154.56.

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I’m confused by this. I’m on a 149.x IP but am paying extra for a static IP, and was previously told that I’m definitely on a static IP even though it’s dynamic.

If you’re on a 149 and you’ve been told it static then it will be, but the general rule of thumb is 149’s are assigned to “new customers” before being moved to their static IPs.

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@Yayzi_Team I’ve been on it 2 years and still on 149 am I still new :grin:

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Hi, how long is it before you are moved to a static IP?

Now on 217.180.36.* and so far all looks good, speeds have improved, stability is good.

I haven’t come across any inaccessible websites yet, so as long as this is maintained I would say this is a good fix. Well done Yayzi.

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