IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

British gas should also be back as this was something I tested on the new range.

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Hi i’m also on 217.180.36.* now most things now seem fine like prime video but some still think i’m in the U.S

Hmm, what sites are they?


Channel 4 app geoblocked

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As an FYI if you guys are having issues with any apps like Channel4 etc please reinstall these as it looks like the APK stores a local version of the GeoDB and/or last used IP


Been a while since this had activity.

How are we all looking? Other than odeon who is being a pain.

https://ifconfig.co/ - has now been fixed as I reached out to the owner and they accepted my change.

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Did your PR break it? :joy:

ahahaha. all it was, was a DB update lol


still blocked on OneDrive over here (141.11.200 range), not much else that I’ve found. Hoping the IPv6 switchover fixes it.

IPV6 doesnt fix it unfortunately as I tested last week.

MacBookPro ~ % ping6 onedrive.live.com
ping6: getaddrinfo – nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Basically there isn’t a direct IPv6 (AAAA) record shown in the response for onedrive.live.com

What was the error again?


I wonder, what DNS are you both using?

And is it the same on other browsers?

Just the default

Same error on laptop and iPhone, different browsers.

It’s a shame IPv6 doesn’t look to fix it, I don’t particularly want to risk changing to a different range that may introduce issues with more sites.

Yayzi can try a switch the other ranges seems to be fine as I’ve tested most sites. But up to you

Just for clarity on the 149.18.86.x subnet and using open DNS, onedrive.live.com seems fine.

Ive just been clicking through Boots Flu appointments, suddenly had the message below, Boots security thinks I’m using a proxy very odd

We’ll take a look at this Nigel :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Yayzi_Team it’s something or nothing, just a bit odd.
It could just be Boots :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that another Cloudflare protected site I wonder?