I’m on the same IP range as well.
Exactly same as above now can’t access any on demand content from sky, iPlayer, 4od etc
Nearly all sites are deteriorating me as a us ip address
So after some digging, we’ve found that basically a vendor has updated the IPs based off an incorrect geofeed. This has now been corrected and we’ve been assured this won’t happen again, please bear with us while the database gets reverted.
Thought so, basically the old owner of the IP was still reporting that in their geofeed by any chance?
They didn’t go into specifics with us, but I think that’s the jist of it
How on earth they let that happen is beyond me. Especially as IPs get relocated/sold all the time.
Hi to all in the team
A year on now and my service has been Ok. Speeds have never matched the 1Gb promised but they have been fast enough to not cause issues. I know that bandwidth is being constricted because often upload speeds considerably higher than download speeds.
After much to-ing and fro-ing last year with registering your bandwidths with UK systems so that I am seen to be a UK resident, unfortunately I am back to being in New Jersey again meaning that I have no BBC access on my streaming media.
Something has changed in the last few days. Please put it back and could you restore the 1Gb bandwidth that I am contracted for please as this has eroded over the year to about 350Mb download?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards DB
We have access issues to streaming services again (BBC).
Current IP is showing 149.18.86.XX
Have a read through the posts in this thread over the last few days, this isn’t Yayzi’s issue and they are trying to sort it. If you raise a ticket for your decling speed they should be able to have a look.
Hey @Dick
Just an FYI your account has your email as your name (you might want to remove this, unless done by design)
As for the location issue, this is currently underway of being reverted. It was found to be that the GeoDB provider messed up by accepting another geofeed.
Hello Andrew, please rest assured this will be resolved ASAP. It was an issue with the GeoDB provider (something Yayzi have no control over)
Thanks for that fast response. Yes that was the issue last year I think.
My sympathies that this is beyond your control. I completely understand.
Best of luck sorting it out for us.
Hopefully this time (as the provider is aware of the issue) it won’t return
Changed that name. Thank for the FYI.
BBC is working for me again.
Are you on the same IP? Most sites should be coming back but it all depends when they pull the latest data from the provider.
Same IP
Perfect, hopefully the issues should now be resolved/resolving.
If you have any issues with apps on smart TVs it’s worth a reinstall of the app.
Had this today and asked to be changed over, was unable to access work connections as we have conditional access to only allow UK connections, it kept reporting I was trying to connect via the USA. Was original on a 154 address and have been advised I’m being switched over to a 217 address
Annoyingly though in the changeover it seems to have taken down my connection completely since 11am.
I’m taking a look at this for you. Should have only been down around 10 mins.